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Metro Exodus Is Now Releasing Earlier Than Expected

Metro Exodus Is Now Releasing Earlier Than Expected

Metro Exodus

Gold status has hit Metro Exodus and with that comes a few release date changes bringing the launch of Metro Exodus closer than expected

The release date for Metro Exodus has been shifted again, but in this instance, it is a good thing. At least for those who have been waiting to get their hands on the latest from 4A Games. The game has finally gone gold and it will be hitting the PS4, Xbox One, and PC a week earlier than expected. Now we will be able to start playing Metro Exodus on February 15th of 2019 instead of February 22nd as we were told by Deep Silver the last time we had a release date to go for the game. As long as nothing had to suffer for the game, I will totally take it all a week earlier than expected.

To go along with that announcement, we have a new trailer for Metro Exodus to take in. Nothing in the way of truly new gameplay, or any for that matter, but a new title sequence we can expect to see for the game time and time again. This would usually be that video that plays after the intro gameplay and then before the game actually kicks off. That is how it is for so many other games and that is how I expect it to go down here for Metro Exodus too. I could be wrong, but you can have a look at it just below to get a better look at what I am talking about.

Metro Exodus — Title Sequence

Created by Elastic.tv, the award-winning makers of some of the most iconic title sequences of recent years including Game of Thrones and Westworld, this beautiful introduction to the game is set to an original score by Metro series composer Alexey Omelchuk.

Metro Exodus has gone gold, and will now release on February 15th 2019!

If a lot of that looked familiar, you would be correct. Not in the way of anything being reused for Metro Exodus here, but in the way of the team that put it all together. The same team that put together the openings for Game Of Thrones and Westworld also put this one together. They really do have a style, but it works very well here for Metro Exodus if I do say so. You may want to take another look at that video there if you missed out on all of that or it did not truly click for you. Now we just have to wait a few more months to see how it will be used in the game.

Did you expect to see Metro Exodus hit us all early, even by a week, or did you expect 4A Games to stick to the original date we have been looking at? Do you think this means great things for the game or will it be like many others that will need many patches and updates post-launch? Did you enjoy the Title Sequence we had here and did Deep Silver spend their money in the right way with it? Let everyone out there know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. When there is more to share for Metro Exodus, we will share it here. Keep coming back for all of it in due time.

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