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Microtransactions Have Been Slain With The Latest Update For Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War

Microtransactions Have Been Slain With The Latest Update For Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War

Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War

The latest update to Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War is here and it has removed the market as well as adding many upgrades for Shadow Of War

The day has finally come as Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War will now be losing its marketplace and thus its microtransactions that caused players all kinds of complaint in the past. Unlike other publishers and developers out there, Monolith Productions and Warner Bros. listened to its fans and fixed the issue. It may have taken a bit of time, but now they are aiming to bring you the best version of Shadow Of War to date on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. That is until there is the need of a remaster and bundle of all DLC to come later down the line, but that is a future us problem and not a current us problem as the new update is here for us to download right now. Like, as you are reading this right now.

Obviously there is more to this update for Shadow Of War, but this is the big one players have been watching for. Other changes in the update here are some new improvements to the Nemesis System, some new Player Skins, and changes to the Shadow Wars mode in the game. At least in terms of big changes for Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War as there are still over a hundred more in the full release. Just know that the team here is working on making this the game we all wanted and want to keep playing into the future and beyond the end credits. It looks like that is quickly becoming the case and it is a great thing. Have a look at the rest of the updates just below.

Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War — Patch 14 — July 17, 2018

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment today released a free game improvement update for Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War, featuring a host of new enhancements and content to provide existing players and newcomers with the best gameplay experience. This robust update brings together a multitude of different elements, including a richer campaign experience, streamlined post-game Epilogue, new player skins and Legendary gear, and the removal of the market, in addition to hundreds of other improvements. Below is a short list of the latest changes.

  • Removal of the Market: The market and microtransactions have been completely removed from Shadow Of War. Orcs recruited through Online Vendettas and Ranked Conquests will now be stored in the Garrison, and in-game Mirian can now be used to train, upgrade and customize your personal Orc army.
  • Changes to the Shadow Wars: Renamed the Epilogue, the post-campaign has been vastly streamlined to include new narration from Shelob, the Witch-king and Dark Talion. Victory in the Epilogue rewards players with the Masks of the Nazgûl, unlocks powerful new abilities to raise the dead, curse enemies, and summons more powerful monsters. And players also have the option to continue upgrading and defending their fortresses and army in Mordor after the final credits conclude.
  • More Ways to Customize & Build Your Character: The follower level cap has now been increased to 80 and the enemy Captain level cap has been increased to 85. Plus, players can level up faster with greater XP rewards for Nemesis Missions, defeating Captains and Online Conquests. New Prestige Skills are available and offer incremental upgrades to skills. Players can also spend Mirian to upgrade gear to current levels by completing the upgrade challenge, and these gear upgrades now allow players to re-roll abilities for the perfect combo.
  • Nemesis Improvements: There are more Legendary Orcs to encounter, more ways to get Training Orders (incl. Legendary Training Orders) and followers can now surprise players with the occasional gift. And if any followers are too keen to help out and have been stealing kills, there is now the option to turn off the Savior feature in the menu.
  • New Player Skins: Players can now take the fight to Sauron as Celebrimbor, reliving the first War for Mordor, or battle as Dark Eltariel and Baranor.

Are these the changes you have been waiting for to come to Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War or did you already move on from the game? Will these bring you back or get you to pull the trigger on your first purchase of it? Did you like the market and what it allowed players to do or will this make the game more balanced in the long run as hoped? Let us all know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War, if there are major updates, be sure to stick here on the site. We will keep the updates coming as best we can.

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