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More Brutal Mafia 3 Gameplay To Thrust Into Your Eyes

More Brutal Mafia 3 Gameplay To Thrust Into Your Eyes

Mafia 3

Another bit of gameplay for Mafia 3 has been released, with narration, to show us how brutal Mafia 3’s gameplay can ultimately be

It’s been some time since Mafia 3 received the official announcement and showcasing and it is high time that we received more to look at for the game right? Right? Hangar 13 thinks so too and now they have brought us more for Mafia 3 even if it is just a small look outside of what we have already seen for the game already. 2K Games really wants them to play close to the chest with all of these Mafia 3 updates don’t they? Especially for a game that is slated for a 2016 release you’d think they would share more.

Anyways, it looks like IGN was able to get a bit more out of them for Mafia 3 in terms of gameplay and a few scraps in terms of updates. You can see the narrated gameplay just a bit lower on the page here of course but the interesting parts discussed for Mafia 3 would be a bit more on the approach gamers can take in the game as well as the fact that these actions can cause things to play out in a completely different way. Even to the point where you get a different ending for Mafia 3 than some of your gaming buddies out.

As it sounds not only will your basic actions drive the story along in Mafia 3 but also how you micromanage your new mob and lieutenants. Hangar 13 didn’t go into great detail on this but who you give territory to and where in Mafia 3 could lead to story divergence and thus a whole different ending to the game. Hopefully nothing as black and white as other story driven titles do but we could get a few different endings in Mafia 3 based on how we lead, or not, after we create a power vacuum.

Mafia 3 — Developer-Narrated Gameplay

I am completely impressed with the attention to detail here in Mafia 3 when it comes to more than just the world’s setting and mentality too. Like the fact that they fully researched some of the combat techniques used back in the era and brought them into the gameplay. Also they fact that they are not shying away at all with the social issues of color of the time; especially with the police. I can’t wait to see if they will pull me over for driving safely in Mafia 3 as the stereotype states would happen. I am sure there will be excessive force at least.

What do you think about what you saw for Mafia 3 here? Do you like the multiple story paths that we may be able to take in the game or would you rather it be linear? How far do you think the issues of race will be pressed in Mafia 3 as it is one of the core ideas here? Let us know and discuss away in the comments below. As we get more information on Mafia 3 out of 2K Games we will have it up here on the site. Be sure to stick around for all of it as they come.

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