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More Frozen Horrors Will Be Out There As We Are Buried In Ice

More Frozen Horrors Will Be Out There As We Are Buried In Ice

Buried In Ice

A new horror title is in the works, Buried In Ice, that will take us into a familiar horror concept we have seen in a few forms of media before

Here we go with another horror title that will help shake our bones with the announcement of Buried In Ice. A title that not only gives us that cold feeling but also points to how horrible things could pan out in the game if we do not make the correct choices and put too much trust out there. Trust in the NPCs of the game and not the developers is what I mean here. All because in Buried In Ice it looks like any one of them could turn on you and be the creature of nightmares hunting us in the deserts of Antarctica. That or we could just go mad and take our own life to keep things from getting out to the rest of the world out there.

If this sounds close to other stories, it does look like Buried In Ice was heavily influenced and inspired by The Thing. There are just none of the licensing issues that they had to go through to get it out there. Thankfully, it looks like they are mixing in some of the other survival mechanics in the game that we should have to worry about too. Physical and mental health is a thing and only made worse by not know if you can just end the lives of everyone else to try to escape or if you can truly vet out the creature that is hiding out there and get the whole team out. If it is done correctly this could lead to more and maybe in the official IP line but we will have to wait and see.

Buried In Ice — Announcement

Welcome to the silent, snowy desert of Antarctica. You are the sole survivor of the US base here. Left alone, accused of destroying the facility and killing all the crew, and unarmed against a threat that’s larger than humankind. You are now the first last line of defense for all humanity. Left all alone in this frozen, immense land, no one will hear you scream.

In this survival-RPG-horror mix, you need to survive at all cost after you’ve escaped from a burning base set in the most unfriendly environment on Earth. Imprisoned by people you don’t understand, treated as a criminal, exhausted, and defenseless, you can’t shake the same repeating thoughts: “Have I brought this… THING with me? Or did IT make me to find new victims?”

Finish it here, once and for all, or your secret will be buried in ice, and humankind will be left with no future. In the middle of nowhere, in the coldest place on Earth, you must remember that staying outside is suicide. You need to stay warm, need to find enough gas to maintain power and heat, need food that’s not contaminated by an unwelcomed “guest” — and you desperately need to find or make a weapon. Along with your physical health, you also need to take care of your mental health and that of your other crew members. Too much stress can make you crack and will result in violent behavior, like attacking other team members, destroying key equipment, or even committing suicide.

Your every decision is vital to achieving the goal of surviving and either killing this THING that’s hunting you or, if you’re unable to, escaping. How to achieve either of the two goals is up to you. You can act immorally and kill everyone for the sake of your own survival. Or try to save them all, which might be more difficult, but at the same time, good relationships, teamwork, wise decisions, and charisma can sometimes produce better results than a gun.

Don’t forget that you’ve already tried to kill it once, and you’ve failed miserably. Be smarter this time, and don’t expect it to be easy. You’ll start with nothing. Staying alone too long will get you killed, and if you don’t provide yourself with enough heat — you’ll die. Remaining outside guarantees you’ll freeze to death. And if you see too many horrible things, you’ll crack and eventually commit suicide.

Be smart and be quick. Find out who still remains human and who became far from it. Defeat the THING, escape, or remain there, forever Buried In Ice.

Main Features

  • Remember that team play is the key to success. Staying together means staying alive. If you‘re alone for too long, it will bring an end to your story.
  • Survive in the most unfriendly environment on Earth. Remember that hunger, cold, stress, or contamination can be as fatal as the THING that’s hunting you.
  • Test your moral boundaries. Co-operate with other members of the team, help them survive or steal, cheat, run away, destroy, and kill. It’s up to you how this story will end.
  • Trust no one. Teamwork might be the only key to survival, but at the same time, you’ll never be sure who remained human and who was already possessed by the THING.
  • Remember that time is running out. Try to either escape or kill the THING as soon as possible because if you happen to become the last one standing, it may mean that you’re not human anymore…

Do you think that Buried In Ice is too close to the inspiration material to be able to separate or will we see it break once we get deeper in? Do you think that it will truly be possible to save everyone out there or will we always have to end one character’s life? Do you think we will have the option to commit suicide from the start of the game or will that only be an option at a specific point in the game? Feel free to let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. If we have more for Buried In Ice, we will add it to the site. Please keep checking back for all of that and more soon.

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