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More Of The Zombies Have Invaded In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III

More Of The Zombies Have Invaded In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III

The zombies mode for Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III has expanded even more to give us more of the Call Of Duty Zombies we crave

The teased Call Of Duty Next has just gone down and we had a lot to take in from it all. There were a lot of the maps shown off for the game that Sledgehammer Games have brought back to life with a few other operators too. More on that in a moment. As we are going to go back to the part of coming back to life in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III, as there was a massive reveal for the world in the upcoming Zombies mode to go along with a lot of other gameplay that was shared out there. All to get us ready for November 10th when the game hits the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

Just a little lower, you will be able to see some of the first gameplay we have had for this year’s Call Of Duty Zombies. A new version to it all that will allow for us all to head out into an open-world setting for once with our squads or solo. Although, it does sound like going solo is still not the best idea, but that is how it is in pretty much any zombie outbreak. This version of it all also looks to be taking place at a different point in the overall timeline for Call Of Duty Zombies. Something that explains how a certain character is still alive while also giving the team the easy out to keep the mode going as long as they can think of more to the story. Not the greatest of things, but something that the casual fans will be glad to always be able to get in the mix.

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III — Zombies Reveal

If we fail, they get through…and we lose everything 🧟‍♂️

Make your way through the open world in a fight for survival against the undead in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III Zombies.

While Zombies are nice, I am sure many were looking forward to seeing what kind of new things are coming to the multiplayer of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III. During the event, I did not spy many new things that we have not already heard of before when it comes to maps and modes. A lot of the same things that gamers will complain about but would lose their shit if the team did not put it back in. One fun thing that some have seen in the beta footage already, is a new operator with the call sign of Lockpick. This is a new operator for Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III that you can get early if you pre-order the game on the PS4 or PS5. I am sure it will be coming to the other platforms down the line, but it is a nice way to entice those who want something extra for shelling out to corporate overlords early. Not that they really need the money upfront or anything.

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III — Lockpick Operator

With light fingers but a hard fist, Elodie “Lockpick” Micheaux is a cunning Art Thief with noble motivations, and an exciting new operator to come to Modern Warfare. PlayStation players can get the Lockpick Operator Pack by pre-ordering Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III on the PlayStation Store, with the items playable at the game’s launch on November 10.

While I did the idea of this Call Of Duty Zombies going into an open world out there, I still wish the core gameplay was less of a grind to get to the story. I still have never been able to get the full story in any of these games and have had to turn to super-cuts of it all to get it. This could be due to the fact that I generally only play the mode solo or with players who do not know how to properly play it all. I am not sure. Nonetheless, it is always a mode I wish that we would see get its own proper campaign in the Call Of Duty line, but will have to only enjoy it the way I already do. I just do not have the time, effort, or friends to go through the whole thing it would seem.

How excited are you to see where this Call Of Duty Zombies is going to go? Do you like the time travel aspect to it all or is that just an easy way to bring back more of what fans seemed to like from before? How long do you think that Lockpick will be exclusive to the PlayStation or will that be a microtransaction all other players are going to have to endure to unlock? Head to the comments to discuss all of this and everything else that we have to offer up on the site. There is still more for Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III to come, so please keep on checking back for all of those updates and many, many more.

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