Friday The 13th: The Game
A few new screenshots for Friday The 13th: The Game have been released to help drive funding and get a proper Friday The 13th video game again
There are eleven days and just over $100k to go to see if the Friday The 13th video game that was recently proposed will get its funding on Kickstarter. I know I am watching patiently just as Gun Media most certainly is. There has already been a whole lot of work on the game before it officially became a Friday The 13th video game so they do have a bit to show already. Just to go another step further it looks like we have a new batch of screenshots and concept art for the Friday The 13th to further drive all of us horror fans to make this a reality for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC in the near future.
Some of these new screenshots look a lot like they did back when Friday The 13th: The Game was still Summer Camp but with the new Friday The 13th look for the game. What is cool is that we see one of the stretch goal costumes for Jason, the burlap sack, in action as he ends the life of one of the victims in Friday The 13th. It seems really weird that this would be a stretch goal and everything as it looks complete but who knows? In fact most of what we are about to see here looks like work of a final game that is not in need of crowd funding to complete. I’m interested to see what gives here for Friday The 13th.
- Friday The 13th: The Game — Concept
Friday The 13th: The Game — Concept
- Friday The 13th: The Game — Concept
Friday The 13th: The Game — Concept
- Friday The 13th: The Game — Screenshot
Friday The 13th: The Game — Screenshot
- Friday The 13th: The Game — Screenshot
Friday The 13th: The Game — Screenshot
- Friday The 13th: The Game — Screenshot
Friday The 13th: The Game — Screenshot
- Friday The 13th: The Game — Screenshot
Friday The 13th: The Game — Screenshot
- Friday The 13th: The Game — Screenshot
Friday The 13th: The Game — Screenshot
I see all of this and still wonder why Gun Media is still looking for so much for Friday The 13th to get completed here. It almost seems like they are trying to recoup before the launch of Friday The 13th all of the funds that they have sunk into development so far and not look to have the funds for much more of the future of the game’s development. I could also be reading more into things here for Friday The 13th but I personally see a final game almost here before they even started the Kickstarter campaign. I guess we’ll find out if the campaign fails and Friday The 13th: The Game still comes to market.
What are your thoughts though on all of this for Friday The 13th here? Do you think that the game is shaping up well or will Gun Media need the minimum of $700k to make it a reality? What about the not-so-iconic character skin for Jason here in Friday The 13th? Let us know and discuss away in the comments below. We are keeping a close eye on Friday The 13th and all of the updates we can find so be sure to keep an eye here for all of that as we get closer to the end date for the campaign and then the release of Friday The 13th.
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