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New Career Mode Details & Fart Jokes For Rock Band 4

New Career Mode Details & Fart Jokes For Rock Band 4

Rock Band 4

New information surrounding Rock Band 4’s career mode and customization for characters have been revealed to make Rock Band 4 very RPG-ish

By now you’ve most likely heard the statement that Rock Band 4‘s new Career Mode has a lot of elements that feel standard for an RPG. Well at least in the way of dictating how the story of your band goes from underground nobodies to the megastars like Vesuvius. Then again you may not have heard about this being the case here in Rock Band 4 from Harmonix. Get ready to sit back and take in some new knowledge for Rock Band 4 then as we have quite a bit more to drop on you before October 6th when the game hits PS4 and Xbox One.

We’ve already heard about Rock Band 4‘s shows that can be played but here we have the Go On Tour option which is the new Career mode. During this mode we will all start out at the lowest of the low as a small town act. Even if you are not from a small town in Rock Band 4. From there we will be presented with options in terms of managers, new shows, and ways to define the kind of band we are in this world. All of which being choices that truly happen in the real world for budding bands. This also includes choices that have you “sell out” or stay in the game for the love of music.

From what has been described by Harmonix some of these choices lead to limitations on music choices in the career mode of Rock Band 4 but net you a lot of in-game cash. While sticking to your roots and not giving into “the man” will net you other items like costumes and instruments from the description. What is extremely stressed for Rock Band 4 though is that there will be no wrong choices in the game that lead to you feeling bad about yourself. I take this as a jab at Activision’s Guitar Hero Live more than anything but it is something that is promised in Rock Band 4.

Of course all of this in-game currency for Rock Band 4 is good for something and that would be all of the clothing, gear, and “other perks” for the game. This too has been expanded upon as Harmonix has been listening to user feedback and have expanded options in the Rock Shop as the next generation systems can accommodate for in Rock Band 4. It also looks like they are opening up hairstyles, facial hair, and special clothing across all genders in Rock Band 4 with this. Bearded Ladies here we come. Thank you for that. Unless I am reading that wrong here.

I am sure that there is more to it all in Rock Band 4 but we’ll have to wait until the game officially hits to find out. But what do you think about all of this? Do you like the new Career Mode and the options it allows for in the long run? Do you care and just want to get into some sweet jams with Rock Band 4? How about those new cross-gender options for the customization? Let us know in the comments. Hopefully we’ll get a lot more before Rock Band 4 launches and if Harmonix doles them out be sure to know we’ll have it here for you. Time to secure the Bearded Ladies…

Rock Band 4

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