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New Fallout 4 Gameplay Asks If You’ll Risk Your Life For Others

New Fallout 4 Gameplay Asks If You’ll Risk Your Life For Others

Fallout 4

The Fallout 4 launch trailer has been released and it is full of little story bits as well as a plethora of new gameplay for Fallout 4

Only a few more days until the big day that Fallout 4 lands on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. We’ve all waited patiently, or not-so-patiently, for November 10th to roll around and had to deal with the limited information that Bethesda wanted to hand out to us all. That includes gameplay for Fallout 4 that has been a bit on the sparse side of things. It doesn’t matter now though as the release date is almost here and we also have a nice gameplay trailer for Fallout 4 to dig though and see even more before the game lands in our hands.

If you don’t want to sully a moment of Fallout 4 at all then you may want to skip on by this trailer or at least watch it on mute. It’s not that there is a lot of story or gameplay elements shown off here but for those who want to stay completely in the dark there are a few things that may sully a little bit. Other than that it is a great showing of the world we will be exploring and enjoying when Fallout 4 finally is available for the public. You’ve been warned so you can complain to me if the smallest aspect of Fallout 4 was spoiled on my watch.

Fallout 4 — Launch Trailer

It could be me or just how this trailer was cut but it does look like Fallout 4 doesn’t know what it wants to do in terms of visuals in the game. Graphics don’t always make the game for certain but it does look like Bethesda couldn’t decide between character models and textures to real world environments looking amazing. Hopefully that makes sense to more than just me but the graphics don’t look uniform across what we just saw for Fallout 4. In fact it felt a bit jarring at times. You’d have some very bland, but perfectly fine, characters talk then an amazing explosion scene that looks right out of an IP that is all about the graphics. What gives here?

Or to another extent you see the mech suits and some of the monsters and it looks like Bethesda spent years getting every crease and wrinkle right for them in Fallout 4. Only to have them stand next to a character that looks like they were whisked out of a PS2 or Xbox game. I’d like to think that they didn’t cut the trailer from a high-end PC and low-end PC to try and blend the differences but that is what it looks like to me. Of course if Fallout 4‘s story and gameplay rock our worlds then it doesn’t even matter; unless it stays this jarring the whole gameplay experience.

What do you think about what you just saw for Fallout 4 today? Do you agree with me in the weird graphical leaps and falls? Are you just ready for the release date to be here already for Fallout 4? Let us know and discuss away in the comments below. As with all things video games, if Bethesda throws us any more updates or news for Fallout 4 we’ll have it all here so be sure to keep checking back in often so you don’t miss out on a single nugget of knowledge.

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