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New Gameplay For The Last Guardian Is Here To Brighten Our Days

New Gameplay For The Last Guardian Is Here To Brighten Our Days

The Last Guardian

New gameplay demo footage for The Last Guardian has popped up online to give us all a more solid taste of what The Last Guardian will bring us

Let they hype train keep rolling for The Last Guardian as we have more gameplay footage for the game to look at here fresh out of a demo shown off at a London demo event. I am still at a bit of a loss as to all the hype building around this title from genDESIGN but it is something a large portion of the games out there are excited for and who am I to dash your dreams for this new PS4 title. I’ll let the release of The Last Guardian on December 6th destroy you or confirm all your hopes. For your sake I am going to hope on the side of confirm as I hate to see a game arrive in a trash state and let us all down.

Moving right along here though, as I said we have some new gameplay to gaze upon for The Last Guardian just below. Almost 35 minutes of gameplay that shows off a lot of the platforming and puzzle solving skills we will need to make it through the game. It also looks like the giant Rat-Bird thing is also afraid of stained glass. I am sure there is a better way to describe that and an in-game reason for it all but I like simplifying for fun. Even though it does look like that will be a portion of why you will have to risk life and limb in The Last Guardian to get around the game’s world. It won’t move along until the glass barriers are taken care of.

The Last Guardian — Demo Part 1

The Last Guardian — Demo Part 2

I am a bit put off but the constant “tutorial” floating over everything in these videos to tell us what to do along the way. I’m talking about the large black boxes in the upper corner that kept showing up for every action that needed to be taken in the demo. Hopefully this was just something that was set up by genDESIGN for the demo and will only show up in the final build of The Last Guardian in the same terms of a tutorial in every other game out there. It could just be me but I can see it getting insanely annoying as we get further into the game if it keeps telling us what to do down to the specific button presses. It just seems like an odd choice if it wasn’t just for the demo.

How is your hype level for The Last Guardian now that you’ve seen more gameplay? Do you think we will have more than just platforming and puzzle solving in the game or will this be the bread and butter of it all? What do you think about the tutorial looking popups throughout the demo and do you think it will be in the final build? Let us know what you are thinking about all of this down in the comments and discuss. For more on The Last Guardian as it seeps out, be sure be here as we’ll have it up for you as soon as we can just to keep your hype level rolling on.

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