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New Gameplay For Wolfenstein: The Old Blood Has Crawled Online

New Gameplay For Wolfenstein: The Old Blood Has Crawled Online

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

Our first look at Wolfenstein: The Old Blood’s gameplay has been released online just a day before we are all going to be able to experience the Nazi Zombie fun

We are one day out from Wolfenstein: The Old Blood hitting our PS4, Xbox One, and/or PC. Machine Games has a lot to hold up to for the standalone addition to the Wolfenstein franchise. This of course is the big prequel to Wolfenstein: The New Order that takes place about 20 years before said title. Until now we’ve had a few descriptions of what was going to be new in Wolfenstein: The Old Blood but have yet to see anything. At least we could all take solace in the fact that it was going to use the same engine and mechanics that made the new version of Wolfenstein spectacular and truly a great game.

None the less, Bethesda and Machine Games have given us all our first look at what is in store for Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. This includes a look at both chapters for the expansion as well as the new enemies we will be facing off with and the starting weapon in “The Pipe.” I am digging that Machine Games have made “new” enemies for Wolfenstein: The Old Blood based on what we experienced in Wolfenstein: The New Order here. The main one being the “Mark I” of the mechanical nightmares that were insane to take on before but now there is a great strategy mixed into the lack of technology for the time period Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is set in. At least set in for the alternate timeline the game takes.

We also have a great look at the icon castle that started the whole franchise here and what it will have in store for us. I believe that Wolfenstein: The Old Blood would be taking place at the same time in the franchise’s game’s history here that Wolfenstein first had. I’ll have to go and break down said timeline to be certain but none the less we get to go into the iconic castle and cause all kinds of hell. This I am overly excited for and can’t wait for Wolfenstein: The Old Blood to hit tomorrow (5/5/15).

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood — Gameplay Reveal

Does this sell you more on the extra $20 price tag to be able to experience everything the new Wolfenstein has to offer? Have you been lucky enough to enjoy The New Order and looking forward to The Old Blood? Do you just wish that we were getting a true sequel or prequel and wish Machine Games would just get on top of that instead? Let us know down in the comments and maybe we’ll alter timelines with our discussion.

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

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