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New Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Developer Diary Shows Off Enhancements

New Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Developer Diary Shows Off Enhancements

Mirror's Edge Catalyst

A new Mirror’s Edge Catalyst developer diary has been released showing all of the basics but also new gameplay for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst and how it has all evolved

Another developer diary for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst has been released and it does what most of them do; titillate without any substance. I’ll never understand when companies like DICE do this but there is something new to watch for the game. Of course this could all be On EA‘s side of holding back information until we get closer to launch but seeing as Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is a ways off with its May 24th release date I think we all need something more to tide us over.

None the less we have said new video for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. In it DICE discusses the evolution and changes to the core gameplay of the game as well as what they wanted to keep in there. Things like the amazing sound track from the first Mirror’s Edge will be back. They will all be new songs but they have the same composer making the new tunes as well as getting them to sync up even better with how well you are flowing through the City of Glass. That name just sounds like a horrible idea in general.

There is also a nice little bit in here where the developers discuss the free-flow mechanic and moves we will perform in Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. Not in much detail but in the fact that they have made them easier to pull off in the game as they want to leave the whole “finding the best path” thing to us gamers. I know that the challenge of pulling of flashy moves from before was one of my favorite things but as I have already seen in Mirror’s Edge Catalyst it does need a bit of free flow for the fingers too.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst — Developer Diary

Are you still hyped up for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst? Does the free-flow mechanic make sense or should DICE have just left it alone? Are you ready to give the game a go in the upcoming beta that is still scheduled for before Mirror’s Edge Catalyst launches? Let us know in the comments below. For more on all of EA‘s titles and those of everyone else, be sure to stick around and keep checking in so you can read it all.

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