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New Ray Tracing Gameplay Lights Up Cyberpunk 2077

New Ray Tracing Gameplay Lights Up Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077

We have new gameplay for Cyberpunk 2077 that shows off how pretty Cyberpunk 2077 might look if you have the proper graphics cards

If you did not get enough gameplay for Cyberpunk 2077 already, we have even more for you to take in as the December 10th date slowly creeps up here. This time it is from the PC realm of the game with CD Projekt RED showing off the RTX options and visuals that the game should be able to offer up. Not everyone will be able to experience it right out of the game for Cyberpunk 2077, but it is something we can try to strive for overtime. Something that makes sense given the setting and all of the technological advances that we have in the real world that this fictional world should also have in spades.

We all knew it was going to be in there given the state of games currently and that it was listed for Cyberpunk 2077 before now. The new video we have here does show off how amazing it could look in the final build of the game with all of the neon and metallic surfaces out there. Something that should shine when it comes to the reflections and the light cycles we have in Cyberpunk 2077 already. Words do not fully do it justice and you should check it out below. That way you might be able to get a taste of what could come and try even harder to get some of those video cards that no one can find right now.

Cyberpunk 2077 — Behind The Scenes Featuring RTX Gameplay

The talented developers at CD Projekt RED discuss how ray tracing and DLSS will provide the ultimate Cyberpunk 2077 PC experience, featuring brand new RTX ON gameplay captured on GeForce RTX 30 Series.

Did you have any doubt that Cyberpunk 2077 would look as amazing as it does here or will it only before few gamers out there at launch? Will you even be able to fully appreciate it given the action in the game or will it blend into the background as you move about the world? Do you expect us to be able to use the reflections to aid us in the game or will it be so minor we will not be able to see things coming beforehand? Let us have those thoughts and feelings down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it below. If there is more for Cyberpunk 2077, we will certainly have it here for you. Just be sure to keep checking back for all of that and much more.

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