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New Rise Of The Tomb Raider Demo Shows Some Tomb Raiding

New Rise Of The Tomb Raider Demo Shows Some Tomb Raiding

Rise Of The Tomb Raider

The actual demo for Rise Of The Tomb Raider on the Gamescom show floor has been released at it feels much more Tomb Raider-like than ever

I am pretty sure now that Rise Of The Tomb Raider has been announced to not only be hitting the Xbox 360 and Xbox One but also the PC and PS4 that Microsoft is not going to do any justice on showing off what we can all look forward to for the game. During Gamescom they showed the world on their huge stage what Rise Of The Tomb Raider would look like on their system only to make Crystal Dynamics‘ work look like a Thief/Uncharted rip-off. That’s how I saw it at least even though I know way better. That demo showed Rise Of The Tomb Raider as having more stealth and silly combat than most of us want in our Tomb Raider games.

Now we flash forward to this week, and I am sure that Square Enix asked nicely, as we have the Rise Of The Tomb Raider demo that everyone on the Gamescom show floor was able to see and play. It pleases me to say this but based on what we have below Rise Of The Tomb Raider is everything in the franchise we have most likely been hoping for. Dark caves, creepy locations, crazy and ancient puzzles, and one big death trap that we’ve all wanted in Rise Of The Tomb Raider. This is really what Microsoft should have shown the world during their live stream and not the guerrilla combat stuff we did get. This is Tomb Raider here.

What you are about to see here for Rise Of The Tomb Raider takes place at some undisclosed time during the game proper. Lara is in Syria for reasons I am sure we will find out on November 10th and she is making her way through a nice, big, old tomb in looks for something. Again, nothing to get spoiled here as there isn’t much in the demo from Crystal Dynamics to hear and spoil. Just a lot of action, puzzle solving, and tomb raiding. It definitely looks like all of it is going back to the basics in Rise Of The Tomb Raider and what we grew up loving so many years ago and then over and over again. I just wish Rise Of The Tomb Raider wasn’t a timed exclusive still…

Rise Of The Tomb Raider — Gamescom Demo

Was I right or wrong about Rise Of The Tomb Raider here? Does it look more like the Tomb Raider we all knew and wanted or does Crystal Dynamics have more to do to get things up to snuff? Would this have been a better selling demo for Microsoft to use? Do you think Square Enix pushed for this Rise Of The Tomb Raider demo to get released? Let us know down in the comments. As with every video game out there, also be sure to keep checking back for all things Rise Of The Tomb Raider as we will update as much as we legally can.

Rise Of The Tomb Raider

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