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New Tales From The Borderlands Is Officially On Its Way

New Tales From The Borderlands Is Officially On Its Way

New Tales From The Borderlands

Head back into the Borderlands with the official announcement for the New Tales From The Borderlands out of Gamescom

Another of the worst kept secrets out of Gamescom is here with the official announcement for the New Tales From The Borderlands. The follow-up to the amazing title that Telltale did a long while ago, but with Gearbox Software behind the wheel to bring it to us. It will be interesting to see if they are able to bring us the same kind of gameplay experience we had in Tales From The Borderlands, but at least we all know it will be hardcore in on the lore and humor of it all. I am sure 2K would not let them go forth if it was not going to be something solid. Thankfully, we will all find out here soon with the game hitting the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, and PC on October 21st.

It is interesting to see here with the cinematic trailer we have for New Tales From The Borderlands that the gameplay could be mixed up more than expected. This could just be how it was edited, but it does not look like we will be just walking around and clicking options along the way. Granted, that would not be as exciting of a trailer to see which is why it is all explosions and high energy along the way. I am just thankful to see teases of one of the best fight scenes getting a form of reprisal from Tales From The Borderlands here. That being the finger guns fight and now it looks like one of the three characters will be doing something with miniatures along the way. That could just be my take on it all, though. Have a look and see how the action will function out there as we move about in the story of it all. I am sure it will all work just as we all hoped it would be.

New Tales From The Borderlands — Announcement

The Borderlands aren’t just home to Vault Hunters, Bandits, and weapons-corp CEOs—they’re also full of downtrodden, intrepid civilians just trying to live under the oppressive, designer wing-tips of the 1%. Something has to give!

Insert three loveable losers who, individually, can’t stay out of their own way. But together? Well, they might just be able to make their wildest dreams come true!

Take over the lives of Anu, Octavio, and Fran as they:

  • ☠️ Face down a planetary invasion
  • 👾 Battle vicious Vault monsters
  • 👊 Dismantle cold-hearted capitalists
  • 🌎 Endeavor to change the world, and maybe even save it!

In this cinematic thrill ride, what happens next is up to you! Meet a motley cast full of misfits, assassin bots, and talking guns in this race to the top! Fight back against exploitation and corporate greed in this narrative-driven adventure.

It’s time to Make Mayhem Your Business! New Tales From The Borderlands is coming on October 21st!

How do you think this one will hold up to the past Tales From The Borderlands or will they deviate completely from the gameplay format set down? Will this one be a bit more on the serious side as the trailer alludes to or is that all just to get the sizzle out there for now? Do you think they will ever be able to top the finger-gun fight from the original or will that be hoping for too much out of any developer at this point? Go ahead and let us all know down in the comments what you are thinking about for this and then feel free to discuss it all. More for New Tales From The Borderlands has to be on the way to us all, so keep a keen eye on the site for all of those updates and everything else we have to offer up out there.

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