2037 👀

Night Trap Is Getting ReVamped… As Long As We All Help

Night Trap Is Getting ReVamped… As Long As We All Help

Night Trap

The creators of Night Trap are looking to bring us all the game for a new generation via Kickstarter campaign

Some of you may not be old enough to remember Night Trap or the Sega CD for that matter. Hells, I wasn’t even enough years into my life cycle at the time to play Night Trap by the ESRB standards now when I first dove into the game back in 1992. I guess that is a point in the corner for the game helping spawn the ratings board due to the fact that back then “all video games were for kids.” At least that was the mentality and it was truthfully a key factor in my want to get into the gaming industry.

Well it looks like the Night Trap may be getting brought back into the gaming world if their Kickstarter campaign is successful. Yes, the original team that gave us Night Trap is trying to bring the Full Motion Video Game back to the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. Words cannot describe how I feel about this but I will give it a try. OMGITHINKIJUSTSHITMYSELFWITHEXCITEMENTANDIHOPETHATNIGHTTRAPReVAMPEDGETSMADE. Okay, well that is just one big word so I stand by the “words cannot describe” statement.

Currently they are about 300,000 away from getting the Night Trap ReVamped project funded and only have 12 days left to go. So, unfortunately unless there is a big push for Night Trap here soon it doesn’t look like it will be re-made. I’m going to throw my few bucks into the mix here and hope that everyone else who wants to see one of the games that forced the ESRB creation to be remade does the same thing. Or hells, just fans like me who shouldn’t have been playing Night Trap in the first place should too. Come on everyone!

If you want to know more about Night Trap you can watch the following video for their campaign or just go directly there to see what it is all about and help fund Night Trap. You can Click Here in case you missed the opportunity above. Gods I hope this gets funded.