1221 👀

Nightmares Will Soon Become A Reality When Gylt Launches

Nightmares Will Soon Become A Reality When Gylt Launches


A new trailer for Gylt shows off why we should all be excited to jump into the horrors that Gylt will bring us at launch

It is crazy to think that we are only a week out from the launch of even more things in gaming, like Stadia, but also the launch of a title like Gylt. This would be the next title in the list of titles Tequila Works will have for us and also one of the launch titles with the new service. A nice little horror title we have spoken on before. Gylt being the main focus here as we have a new trailer to take in and see what we will get to experience here in the next week for the game. For those looking toward a PC style of experience. Even if the Stadia bit feels a bit more like a console thing. I digress…

While there is a lot to be excited for than just Gylt, what we do have is a nice look at how the game is going to blend a lot of fun mechanics we have seen in past games with an amazing looking art style. Here we get to see more on how we will need to sneak around and resource manage in the nightmares of the game, but also how we will use our flashlight and fire extinguisher as weapons. Something like a burn and freeze mechanic when it comes to these awesome looking frights in Gylt. Have a look at what I am talking about now and then wait until next week when the founders and premier members will be able to fight on out there.

Gylt — Launch Trailer

Nightmares become reality in Gylt, an exploration adventure set in a creepy and melancholic world. Available only on Stadia on November 19.

Are you as excited as I am to play Gylt here soon or do you still need more than the small looks to get fully behind it all? Do you think the game will bleed into other platforms or will this be the perfect flagship title for the developer on the service? Do you think we will have other inspired game mechanics in this title or will we have the burn and freeze as we get to see here and nothing more than sneaking? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. If there is more to share for Gylt, we will have it all here. Be sure to keep coming back for all of that and much more.

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