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No Man’s Sky Gets Another Big Update For Those Path Finders Out There

No Man’s Sky Gets Another Big Update For Those Path Finders Out There

No Man's Sky

Another big update has come to No Man’s Sky and it brings new modes and crafts to No Man’s Sky to further the overall gaming experience

Hopefully you’ve been sticking with No Man’s Sky if you are one of those gamers who bought into all the hype before the game’s launch. Why is that? Well it looks like the next big patch for the game is ready and being deployed out there from Hello Games. There have been a lot of features added on in the last major patch but here we go with even more that will bring on some new gameplay modes for No Man’s Sky and new trophies for those hunters out there. It looks like your patience is paying off in some way or another although it seems like a lot of this should have been in the game when it first launched on the PC and PS4.

Moving off of that topic though, for those hoping for some kind of PS4 Pro support to finally come to No Man’s Sky you can sit back and download the patch knowing that support is finally here. Also a new Photo mode for those who enjoy finding strange and new things to capture and share out there with the gaming world. There are so many different planets and things you can find in No Man’s Sky so I guess it makes even more sense to allow for players to take a shot without having to do it the old fashioned way. Given all the new vehicles and the multiple versions you can now own, I am sure that players will find all kinds of new things out there to snap a quick shot of.

Another interesting feature that has been added here for No Man’s Sky is not only have the difficulties of the game been tweaked a bit, but now there is a Permadeath Mode for all of us to survive through. Nothing like having the almost infinite possibilities and places to explore have the ability to force you to start all the way over if you die. It does add the level of realism to the game for sure, but I’m still not sure why so many gamers out there like this kind of challenge. None the less it is here to make your journey to the center of the universe that extra level of difficult and hopefully fun if you can. That is why these kinds of features need to be added in right?

No Man’s Sky — The Path Finder Update

Summary of what’s been added:

  • PlayStation 4 Pro Support
  • Improved Visuals
  • Owning Multiple Ships
  • Base Sharing Online
  • New Vehicles — Exocraft
  • Permadeath Mode
  • Build Vehicle Race Tracks
  • Ship Specializations and Classes
  • Shop/Traders
  • Double the Base Building Variety
  • Multi-tool Specialization and Classes
  • New Weapon Modes
  • Photo Mode
  • Discovery Menu
  • Quality of Life Improvements
  • 50% more original music from 65daysofstatic

Are you still playing around in No Man’s Sky and are glad to see these features join the ranks of everything else so far? Do you think that all of this should have been in the final build of the game and not held off as free updates later on? Will you be giving the Permadeath Mode a try or will that ruin the experience for you as it could force you to have to rediscover so many things in the vast universe the game has created? Let us know all your thoughts down in the comments and then discuss. As more for No Man’s Sky comes out of Hello Games, we’ll have it here for you. Keep checking the site for all those updates and more as I am sure they will keep coming.

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