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No More Room In Hell 2 Offers Up A New Montage Of Updates

No More Room In Hell 2 Offers Up A New Montage Of Updates

No More Room In Hell 2

More updates for No More Room In Hell 2 have made their way out there to further expand the gameplay we get in No More Room In Hell 2

The updates are still flowing out there as we all dig into No More Room In Hell 2. A new batch of things are out there as of now for the game on the PC, although it does seem to be a bit of a shorter list than we have seen from Torn Banner Studios in previous updates. It’s not a terrible thing but something to get ready for if you were expecting a whole laundry list of changes for No More Room In Hell 2. At the very least, it is a sign that the teams are still fully devoted to giving us all the best game to experience as the development continues and then in the final product once that is fully ready for the world out there. Let us dive in and see what is here for the game and most likely already downloaded for you.

The new update for No More Room In Hell 2 is now bringing in a new Firefighter variant for the zombie side of things. A new variant that also has an oxygen tank on their back that we can now use to our advantage and cause a bit more havoc in the game world. Something that we will need to make better use of with the new changes for the ammo that will not only give us more of a variety in the world, but make us need to pay attention to the sparseness of our chosen types. That means that you will need to search more if you have a specific gun and ammo type you enjoy using. Thankfully, that leads us to the three new Skills that No More Room In Hell 2 will offer up to players that can make things a little easier out there if we play our cards right. Have a look at all of these in some better detail in the following video then head out and give them a playtest.

No More Room In Hell 2 — Montage Update

No More Room In Hell 2’s 0.2.4 update is live!

Highlights Include:

  • Firefighter Zombie Variant
  • Ammo Type Rework
  • New Skills

How do you feel about the new zombie that we are going to see in the run of No More Room In Hell? Will the ammo variation cause more of a headache for players or will it truly be what fans have been asking for out there? How many more Skills will we see by the end of all of this and will it mean that each player can be their own special snowflake at the end of the day? Roam on down to the comment section to discuss all of this and everything else you might have on your mind about the game. We are going to keep the updates flowing out there for No More Room In Hell 2, so please keep on checking in for all of those and everything else we have to offer up. It is going to be a wild ride to say the least…

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