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Now Here’s How You Solo Monsters In Evolve

Now Here’s How You Solo Monsters In Evolve


New gameplay for Evolve has been released showing off how the game will handle when you are offline and playing solo

If for some reason you want to play Evolve only in solo mode then you will love the new video that Turtle Rock has for us. We have two good matches played from both sides of the fight in Evolve all in solo mode. Yes, you can play as only the Monster or you can play as the hunters all in offline solo mode. That of course is nothing new as it has been drilled in but with all the amazing online modes, gameplay, and betas for the online mode we all might have forgotten that. This of course is the reason for the reminder.

Back to the solo mode for Evolve. You can see both great matches below but if you don’t have the 20+ minutes to watch I’ll throw out the important stuff for you. Like if you are playing as the Monster you always start at stage three in your evolution. The drawback being that Health doesn’t regenerate and you can’t change between monsters, even your minions, on the fly. That is your monster until the end. The hunters on the other hand can swap between all characters on the fly so you can always try to stay one step ahead of the AI and monsters. That is kind of nice.

The thing that is even better for Evolve‘s solo mode, all of your achievements and perks carry over to the online mode and vice versa. This means you can grind out some of those awesome perks before you venture online and play against a real human player. This should take care of the normally slow grind for this stuff that happens when you keep getting iced by the more experienced players online when all you want to do is level and perk up. Good call on this for Evolve over there devs.

Now that I know all of my offline gameplay matters for my online in Evolve I think I am even more excited to play the game on February 10th. I have loved it during every beta and alpha that has been thrown our way and now that I know I can play it the way I normally play my games I think Evolve will have an even more special place in my black heart. Let’s get hunting all!

Evolve — Solo Gameplay Experience


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