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Of Course M. Bison Will Be In Street Fighter V

Of Course M. Bison Will Be In Street Fighter V

Street Fighter V

The first gameplay for M. Bison in Street Fighter V has been released and he looks as bad ass as ever in the franchise

It’s only been about three months now since we were teased with M. Bison being in Street Fighter V so of course we now have the gameplay reveal trailer for the character. Fresh from Capcom we have just that so we can see how the “villain” of the game will look, feel, and handle once we get him on the PS4 or PC. Still so very weird to be saying that for a game like Street Fighter V but that is the current state of things and we all will have to deal. Just like other titles that will remain nameless here as this is all about Street Fighter V now.

So yes, below you can see your first look at M. Bison on Street Fighter V and he looks just about the same as always. Maybe a little more super-powered since last we saw him but none the less pretty much the same. That is if you take out the teleport moves that look like came from MKX here. Can’t fault Street Fighter V for using something that works but it does take points off for creativity in the long run. That is of course if it doesn’t make M. Bison feel like a well-rounded and “on par” character for the game. Then we can give a pass.

Enough blabbing and let’s dig into the gameplay for M. Bison here. There are no descriptors for anything so you’ll have to just imagine what the controls will be like but at least you’ll see a “new” character for Street Fighter V. What you won’t see will be the tease for the next character at the end here. It seemed the norm for the reveals but maybe Capcom realized that they were not going to be able to keep a schedule as it took so long this time. That or E3 will be a huge reveal of damned near every character and they want to hold until then. You be the judge.

Street Fighter V — M. Bison Reveal Trailer

So what are your thoughts on M. Bison in Street Fighter V now that you’ve seen him in action? Does he look a lot or a little different than you are used to? Do you even care as long as he isn’t overpowered as he has been in the past? None the less give us all of your thoughts on Street Fighter V now that we have a small roster confirmed for play. As with all games, you can expect updates on them and Street Fighter V right here so check back and do it often.

Street Fighter V

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