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Operation Apocalypse Z Is Almost Here For Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4

Operation Apocalypse Z Is Almost Here For Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4

The next season of content for Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 is almost here with more of the undead invading everything in Call Of Duty

I hope you were waiting for more content to come to Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 as it looks like we are a day away from that being a thing on the PS4. Tomorrow (7/9/19) gamers will be able to play the latest content expansion for the game that Treyarch has put together and it looks like a whole lot more of the zombies will be out in force. Given that it is called Operation Apocalypse Z, this makes a whole lot of sense. More so when you dig into the love of the undead that Call Of Duty have had for some time now. Because there are no other games out there that will scratch that itch and leave the shooters to doing what they do.

In any instance, the PS4 players of Call Of Duty will be able to access the new maps and modes for the game starting tomorrow with the Xbox One and PC gamers gaining access a little down the road as usual. It looks like some of those classic multiplayer maps will be given the horror overhaul to allow for the undead to wave over it all and there will also be some new stuff for the Blackout maps mixed in too. More or less, this Call Of Duty is going to the dead and we will have another “zombie shooter” in the mix. We do need to mix it up from zombies and Nazis at some point right?

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 — Operation Apocalypse Z

The Apocalypse is here.

Play as Reaper in MP, drop into newly updated Blackout maps, take on an all-new Zombies experience, and much more tomorrow in Operation Apocalypse Z for Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 on PS4, with other platforms to follow.

Operation Apocalypse Z unleashes the hordes of undead in all game modes. Fans will find exciting new ways to play, including Multiplayer maps and modes that channel the Zombies legacy, a new Zombies experience, eerie changes throughout the Blackout map, and more new weapons for players to unlock and master.

Have you been waiting for this update to come to Call Of Duty or are you waiting for a solid campaign mode to join back in? Will you be glad to see all of the new maps get the undead makeover or will you be longing for something else to come at us? Are you just hoping for the days of timed exclusives to go away or do they truly get you to drop the cash in the specific place each time? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 be sure to keep checking in here. We will keep the trailers and news flowing out there for you.

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