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Order 13 Will Put Us To The Task Of Getting Things Out On Time

Order 13 Will Put Us To The Task Of Getting Things Out On Time

Order 13

A new psychological horror, Order 13, is on the way with Order 13 putting us in the middle of a massive shipping warehouse

We really do have all manner of life simulations out there and here we go with another darker one with Order 13. A new PC title on the way to us all from Cybernetic Walrus that will be putting many of their assets to work and placing us into a shipping warehouse and sending out all manner of orders being made out there. Not one of the best jobs out there to start with and now with a bit more of the psychological horror in the mix. As if hitting quota and not peeing in bottles in a warehouse was not enough, Order 13 adds in other kinds of horror and the need to take care of a cat in the mix of things too. All kinds of horror mixed into one little life simulation that will make us all rethink our career choices out there.

Some jokes aside, Order 13 is placing us into a massive warehouse that seems to be otherworldly large out there. One where it seems like we are going to be the sole worker for the shift. We will have our own office with an office cat to help keep us calm when not heading out to find the items and get them out the doors. We are going to have to be quick out there, as there does seem to be something lurking about and ready to end us if we lurk too long. Thankfully, as we progress through Order 13, we will gain new items and gear to help speed the process us. All of that and a few new ways to make sure our cat is as happy as it can be while chilling in our little office out there. Have a look at the teaser that we have for the game and get ready to put all of those skills to some kind of use out there in the warehouse.

Order 13 — Teaser

Collect orders, pack them, and ship them out. Easy, right?

The office is small, the shifts are long, and your cute little cat is your only source of comfort. At your desk, everything feels calm and under control—until you step into the warehouse.

Receive Orders

Start your shift at the desk by reviewing incoming orders. Each one lists specific items you’ll need to retrieve from the warehouse. Your goal? Reach the daily quota.

Navigate The Warehouse

Armed with a flashlight and a limited set of tools, head into the sprawling warehouse to locate the items. Time is of the essence, so you’ll need to move quickly and efficiently. Avoid lingering in one spot for too long—time isn’t the only thing working against you.

Pack And Ship

Once you’ve gathered the items, return to the desk to pack and ship the orders. Accuracy is crucial—mistakes are deducted from your paycheck.

Survive And Repeat

As the days go by, the company’s demands increase, pushing you deeper into the warehouse. Unlock new parts of the seemingly infinite warehouse if you have enough funds. The further you go, the more hostile the environment becomes. Shadows move where they shouldn’t, and the noises grow closer. Stay sharp, keep working, and survive until the end of your shift—or until you can’t.

Upgrade And Improve

Reinvest your hard-earned profits into tools that will help you perform your duties even more efficiently. Faster shipping tools, solutions for handling larger orders, and advanced navigation aids for the warehouse can help you meet company expectations seamlessly.

And don’t forget about your adorable companion—use some of your earnings to buy toys for your cat, because your little friend’s happiness is just as important as keeping the orders flowing.


  • Singleplayer
  • Order packing simulation
  • Psychological horror
  • A cute little cat

How many orders are we going to have to get out to end our night in Order 13 or does the title imply that in the first place? How far into the warehouse will we need to go to find all of the orders and will it be truly random along the way? Will the cat be in any danger during our play or will it just be another way for us to spend our in-game currency in the mix? Take a trip on down to the comment section and leave all of those thoughts for us there and get ready to discuss. If we have more to share for Order 13, know that we will have it all here and on our social accounts out there. Please keep on checking back for all of that and everything else we are able to offer up to the world. As things get darker, we will always need something to help us keep the light in our brains…

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