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Our Rivals Will Be Out There Soon In Ghost Of Tsushima: Legends

Our Rivals Will Be Out There Soon In Ghost Of Tsushima: Legends

Ghost Of Tsushima

A tease for the coming Rivals mode for Ghost Of Tsushima: Legends is here to show how we might be seeing some changes in Ghost Of Tsushima

We are going to have some new Rivals out there in Ghost Of Tsushima and it will not be in the basic way some of you might be thinking. This will be the new mode that will be coming to the PS4 and PS5 versions of the game and it looks like Sucker Punch is going to give us a few new things to need to come back into the game and experience. If you are curious about that, we have a new teaser video that highlights this new mode hitting Ghost Of Tsushima: Legends on September 3rd for those looking for their multiplayer fun in this one. Yes, this is the update that was talked about before and we are going to be getting it in short order here. It is time to let the excitement grow just a bit more.

The following video does not show off too much for this mode in Ghost Of Tsushima but we do get a feeling that it will place four of us in the mix of things. The mix being that we will need to head out and kill enemies with each other. That or against each other in the world. It is a little hard to tell from the footage that we do have here, but it will have us in there and slaying once more. It is interesting to see and hear how things will flow in here but it does feel like something that fans of Ghost Of Tsushima will eat up and explore once more with in a little under a month now. Take a look at the teaser and see if it will be close to what you have been expecting for this new mode you will soon have.

Ghost Of Tsushima: Legends — Rivals

Ghost Of Tsushima: Legends gets a standalone release, adding new “Rivals” mode on September 3rd.

Did you think that we were going to get something more involved for Ghost Of Tsushima: Legends or does this fall right in line for you? Will this be a kind of co-op or will it keep us on a rivalry path as the name suggests? Is this the mode that will have you back in on the game or will it take something different for you to lose your life to it again? Give all of your thoughts and feelings to us down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish. We will keep the news flowing for Ghost Of Tsushima as we get it, so be sure to keep checking back in for all of that and much more as we head on to the future of everything out there.

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