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Pandemic Express — Zombie Escape Is Swarming Us This Week

Pandemic Express — Zombie Escape Is Swarming Us This Week

Pandemic Express — Zombie Escape

The next zombie escape-style game, Pandemic Express — Zombie Escape, is dropping on PC this week and here is what to expect in Pandemic Express just before

If you have not had enough zombies in your video games as of yet, here we go with one more to add to the list with Pandemic Express — Zombie Escape coming at us on May 2nd for your PC. While it does have the zombies that still seem to be all the rage here, it does look like TALLBOYS is at least trying to break from the norm with this one. There is no doubt that Pandemic Express will have you trying to dodge many other zombies out there while trying to escape on a train, but the true difference here is that you will do it with up to thirty other players. That and the fact that you can be turned during the match and then join the ranks of the undead to stop them all.

The long and short of it all is that Pandemic Express will have everyone spawn into a map with one player as the match’s patient zero. The goal for everyone, sans that player, is to get to the train to get out of the area. That one player is tasked with doing what zombies do best. They will hunt down the others and turn them in the process to make sure that there is no one living before the train departs. Hells, even when it departs the zombie players in Pandemic Express will keep respawning along the path to try to turn the rest of the survivors to their hungry ways. It sounds like a cool concept, but something that will need to be seen in practice before a final judgment can be called.

Pandemic Express — Zombie Escape Gameplay Rundown

Welcome to Pandemic Express — Zombie Escape! We’ve played a lot of Zombie Escape-style mods, and wanted to make something standalone, and on a large scale. Up to 30 players spawn in a large world. One of them gets randomly infected, and has to spread the infection turning everyone into zombies. The human players desperately try to escape on a train through an onslaught of what seems like endless zombie hordes.

  • First standalone ‘Zombie Mod’ on a massive scale
  • Unique co-op experience with ad-hoc teams, vehicles, a large open world, and a train
  • Distinctive art style & game atmosphere

What are you thinking about Pandemic Express as it all lays here and does it build on the gameplay we have seen in the past? Do you see this as having too much potential for trolls or will it force players to actually work together? Would you like to see an option where one player can take on the role of the first zombie or does random raise the tension just a bit more? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. If there is more to share for Pandemic Express — Zombie Escape, we will share it all here. Just like everything else, all you have to do is be here to see it all.

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