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Paragon’s Steel Is A Shield Bashing Expert

Paragon’s Steel Is A Shield Bashing Expert


A new Paragon trailer has been released to show off all of the abilities of Paragon’s Steel hero and all of his shield bashing greatness

We’ve been introduced to Paragon and all of its heroes so far but nothing more than a few basic trailers to show off all the work that Epic Games is putting into this MOBA for the PS4 and PC. We’ve also seen a few basic bits of gameplay to show us how Paragon will most likely play. Now it looks like we are going to be getting a better look at how each hero specifically plays out as we have the first trailer for Steel and it shows off the moves he is going to employ in Paragon. I am hoping at least it is only a few and not all of them though…

Steel would be the big blue character we’ve seen in all of the Paragon promos so far. In the following trailer we get to see what the character is all about and it happens to be his shield. Or at least the huge hunk of folding metal that we’ve seen in all of the Paragon footage so far. It isn’t all defense though as he can slam and charge with it making Steel a fully versatile character instead of one trick pony. Of course that wouldn’t make Paragon a fun game or a balanced on if he wasn’t. I am sure we’ll see the rest of them in the same light here soon.

Have a look at the first of what I am assuming to be five videos for Paragon to highlight each of the characters we will get to use in the upcoming Beta and when the game officially launches sometime in 2016.

Paragon — Steel Hero Abilities

What are your thoughts on Paragon and Steel now that you’ve seen what he will bring to the table? Do you think all of the characters are going to have two defensive and two offensive abilities just as Steel has? Do you think that Paragon‘s other heroes could be a lot different than Steel but along the lines of their visual style we’ve already seen? Let us know what you think down in the comments. As we get more for Paragon from Epic Games we will have it here on the site so be sure to keep checking in.

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