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Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous Is Heading Into An Alpha Test

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous Is Heading Into An Alpha Test

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous is heading into an alpha state and we have a look at a bit of the gameplay this Pathfinder game will bring

It looks as if there is an alpha test coming up for Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous for those who helped fund this version of the game. This may not be news to those that have already thrown down for the game and secured the fact that Owlcat Games is going to get it done. The big reason it is being brought up now is that you still have a chance to throw down for this Pathfinder entry through various means and get it on said alpha test. If you are still on the fence for it all, though, you can see a bit on how it is flowing right now on the PC. Even if it is not near its final form as of right now.

Take that in as you have a look at what we do have for Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous as of right now here. Although, it all looks a lot like the last title as I think they are just using the old system and expanding on it and changing the story. I mean, they are going to be adding in the specifics for the game based on the new game mechanics that this adventure path uses in the tabletop version of Pathfinder. They are also going to be taking in the extra funds to bring us all the Hunter class and dinosaurs into the mix. We might be able to have them as pets and mounts when the game fires off. If we are able to get the rest of the funds in there.

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous — Alpha Gameplay Footage

Owlcat Games has announced that the first alpha test for its classic isometric CRPG, Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous, is now available for all the backers who contributed to the title’s Kickstarter campaign and got the appropriate access. All the fans of Pathfinder who missed the Kickstarter can also purchase access for $15 after selecting a tier to contribute to the crowdfunding campaign via the game’s official website. The studio has launched a Slacker Backer campaign in an effort to add a new Hunter class and Dinosaur companions and mounts to the game.

From now until May 21, testers are able to play through the first two chapters of Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous, thereby experiencing the beginning of their epic adventure. The alpha allows fans to try out six new classes (each with a plethora of archetypes) and two prestige classes alongside the full roster featured in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. This version also includes 10 new companions and gives players the opportunity to take their first steps toward one of six Mythic Paths (eight will be available once the full game launches next year).

Features that were backed as Kickstarter stretch goals have also made their way into the alpha build, including mounted combat, increased reactivity for companions, and a meeting with a new companion named Woljif Jefto. Fans should note that these features have not been completed and will be improved upon in the future. Additionally, some content may be missing or replaced in later builds. For instance, romances, Crusade Commander features, and the Locust Swarm and Golden Dragon Mythic Paths are absent, and the alpha’s UI has not been updated. Owlcat Games encourages testers to report the bugs and glitches they encounter via a survey.

Kickstarter backers are now able to access a personal account to manage and upgrade their pledges, select specific add-ons, receive digital rewards, and edit personal information such as their shipping address. Fans may also pre-order the title and purchase packs similar to the tiers offered during the game’s Kickstarter campaign if they wish to continue supporting Owlcat Games.

Curious CRPG aficionados who missed out on Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous’ crowdfunding campaign can support development via a Slacker Backer program. The funds collected through this initiative will help Owlcat Games finance its last active Kickstarter stretch goal: the addition of both a new Hunter class called Hunter and ferocious Dinosaur companions and mounts. The warrior of the wilds will be able to command these giant reptiles as pets and ride them into battle. Of course, Hunters will be able to form bonds with other animal allies, too.

Have you already thrown in for Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous or does all of this make you want to throw in your cash now? Do you think that it will prefect the turn-based gameplay as we have been told is coming or will it be similar to what we had before? When do you think that we will see the final build of the game out there and will it ever jump off the PC platform? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. For more on Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous, keep checking in here. We will try to keep up with all of the news we are getting.

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