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Perfect Dark Has A New Title Sneaking Its Way Back To Us

Perfect Dark Has A New Title Sneaking Its Way Back To Us

Perfect Dark

A new Perfect Dark game is announced and will give us all a new way to look at the world of Perfect Dark

Well, it looks like the wait is going to be over for those hoping to see a fully new addition to the Perfect Dark franchise. It has been announced that we are going to be seeing this one from The Initiative and the story is going to continue. That or be a full reboot to the Perfect Dark franchise. It is hard to say as it is just the announcement that the game is coming and there is very little that has been confirmed for it all as of yet. At least we do know that the game is coming and we can get a small look at what it might entail right now.

Sadly, there is not much more than the announcement that a new Perfect Dark game is coming and a short look at the world that is being built around it. It does look like the world is a bit worse off than we thought and the corporations have stepped in to try to save us all. Humans being as they are, they are also up to no good and thus where the game puts us to try to save everyone out there with our usual skills. We can just be glad for now to know that a new Perfect Dark is coming and we can assume for all of the latest systems out there that we will have.

Perfect Dark — Announce

From The Initiative, a secret agent thriller set in a near-future world.

Perfect Dark — Developer Interview

Learn more about The Initiative and their vision for Perfect Dark.

Were you expecting to see a new Perfect Dark out there or was this truly a surprise for us all? Where do you think that the game will take us and will it be as vast as this trailer all looks? Will this be a one and done kind of title or will it be the start of the franchise once again? Let us all know down in the comments about what you are thinking and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is more for this Perfect Dark, we will share it all here. Be sure to keep checking in here for all of that and much more.

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