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Peter Offers Up Some Words Of Encouragement For Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Peter Offers Up Some Words Of Encouragement For Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Spider-Man: Miles Morales

A new teaser for Spider-Man: Miles Morales gives us a look at how Spider-Man will talk to each other to lift up

Well, we do not have anything huge for Spider-Man: Miles Morales to look at here today, but there is more to offer up and hopefully experience for it all. Not much in the way of gameplay or any real details, but a nice little look at how things are going between Peter and Miles in the game’s universe. Even if it is more hype and less of seeing Spider-Man do what a spider can. Maybe even more on the side of just reminding us all that the game is still coming on November 12th for the PS5 and PS4. If you forgot that somehow…

The video we have below is just a text back and forth between the two Spider-Men out there with a shot of two maybe from the game. The interesting part is that it does look like Peter is no longer in town after at this point and trying to hype Miles up to be Spider-Man. Also, the fact that it looks like Roxxon could be a much bigger deal in the game’s story which could mean we might see more of the Marvel universe mixed in besides just the various Spider-Man versions. That could be a bit reaching based on personal hopes, but it would be interesting to see Miles get some help since Peter is out and things are getting rougher out there.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales — Peter & Miles Texting

In this latest teaser for Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Peter and Miles share a few words of encouragement between them by texting!

Do you think that this is going to be telling for this Spider-Man or is it just a reminder video as usual? Do you think we will get some solid cameos based on any of this or is it just a way to use the world-building that is already out there? Will Peter be back in town at some point or will he be completely moved out for good after the opening of it all? Let us know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you wish. If there is more for Spider-Man: Miles Morales, we will add it all to the site for you. Just be sure to keep checking back in here for all of that and more.

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