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Postal Redux Is On Its Way To The PS4 & PC This Year

Postal Redux Is On Its Way To The PS4 & PC This Year

Postal Redux

A new Postal HD remake, aptly titled Postal Redux, is being crafted to hit the PC and Mac this Spring and then the PS4 later in 2016

Get ready for the morality squad to fly off the handle as another Postal title is in the works and coming out this year. Well, not really another title but more of a remake of the twin-stick shooter that started it all from Running With Scissors. If you couldn’t guess it by now the game will be titled Postal Redux and is aiming to hit the Windows, SteamOS, and Mac platforms sometime this Spring with a PS4 release date sometime later this year. Most likely after they can get Postal Redux to pass through the PlayStation store approval process.

Why should the morality squad be on alert and marching out in full for? Well Postal Redux is kind of the style of game that Hatred was all based on and we all know what kind of stir that caused. You know, one crazed gunman who is trying to deal with the other madness in the world with extreme violence… All just so we can see who can get the highest score/kill count in this video game. Absurdly violent and “needs to be stopped” right?

Postal Redux — Official Teaser

Hopefully you watched the above trailer for Postal Redux and can see how the tone is a bit lighter than the other title mentioned above. Still not the point I’m making though. Within hours of Hatred being announced it was left in the dark by most media and even had the developer of the game engine demanding that their logo be removed from trailers. Is it only because we all have a 19 year relationship with Postal that there are no pitchforks and people up in arms about “such a violent game?”

The same gameplay for Postal Redux is being used as is the same overall premise but still no outrage about violence. It is all in the presentation then right? Just because we don’t hear the demonic voice telling us to kill innocent people here and it is in a satirical setting no one is upset. I guess that will be good for Running With Scissors and I hope that Postal Redux will be the game that we are all hoping it will be. An amazing murder sim that makes it more cartoony than realistic.

How do you feel about Postal Redux being made here? Is it about time that we get a game from this franchise over to the current gen consoles? Why do you think that there are fewer people angry about the creation of Postal Redux than there were for Hatred? Let us know and discuss away in the comments below. As we get further updates on Postal Redux we will try to have them here on the site along with other great gaming updates. Be sure to stay right here for more.

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