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Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid Gets A Free Story Update

Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid Gets A Free Story Update

Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid

A free update for Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid is here to add a story mode to it written by the minds behind the original Power Rangers show

If you were looking for and hoping for more to do in Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid, you should now look to the latest update to drop on the PS4, Xbox One, and Switch. As it turns out, nWay Games has placed out a new update that will bring along a new story mode to the game and a few other little bonuses too. Just as updates should always do, but it is a bit weird to see that we are getting the story mode now instead of right at the launch not so long ago. At least it is being written and voiced by many of those who worked on the original version of the Power Rangers. That makes up for a bit of the delay in getting all of that out there for us. At least I say so.

Along with that story mode, we are getting three new characters added into this Power Rangers fun. That and a few more battle arenas to choose from or just see in the game depending on which mode you are playing in. You can get a little tease of it all just below or you can just go get the free update right now and experience it. That is at least if you already own Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid currently. If not, you can still get this update. You will just need to purchase the original title first. That should at least be a given…

Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid — Story

Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid releases new free update with Story Mode.

Free DLC available for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One with new Story Mode, characters, arenas, and voiceovers from original cast members.

Story Mode

Play through an epic storyline written and voice directed by writer/director Kyle Higgins (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Shattered Grid, Nightwing, Batman: Gates of Gotham). The mode also features original artwork by Eisner Award-winning illustrator Dan Mora (Go Go Power Rangers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Klaus). In this new mode, players experience a re-imagining of the critically acclaimed Shattered Grid event from Boom! Studios’ Power Rangers comic book series. When Lord Drakkon, an evil alternate version of Tommy Oliver, sets off a massive campaign across time and space to destroy all Power Rangers, they must band together and fight back, before all of existence falls to his armies.

New Voiceovers By Original Cast

The new content includes story and combat voiceovers performed by original Power Rangers cast members, including Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver), Austin St. John (Jason Lee Scott), David J. Fielding (Zordon), Kerrigan Mahan (Goldar) and Meghan “Strawburry17” Camarena (Kimberly).

New Characters

Three new characters enter the world of Battle For The Grid: Dragon Armor Trini, Udonna, and Cenozoic Blue Ranger.

New Battle Arenas

  • Selectable Arenas: Corinth and Planet Earth: Cenozoic Era
  • Non-Selectable Arenas (Story Mode only): Command Center (Malfunctioning) and Lord Drakkon’s Throne Room (Flashback)

What are you thinking about this update for Power Rangers? Is it weird to see this come after launch or does it make sense to you for some reason? Do you suspect we will see more updates like this in the future or will it offer up more free updates along the way? Throw your thoughts down in the comments. If there is more for Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid, I will add it all to the site. All you need to do is keep coming back.

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