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Predator Has Decloaked As Mortal Kombat X’s Other Guest DLC

Predator Has Decloaked As Mortal Kombat X’s Other Guest DLC

Mortal Kombat X

The description for Mortal Kombat X Kombat Pack on the Xbox Live Marketplace has revealed that Predator is the other Mortal Kombat X Guest DLC

Hot off the presses of the last Mortal Kombat X news from yesterday we have yet another character announcement of sorts. This one comes from the description of the Kombat Pack DLC for the game when it launches on April 14th. This would be one of the other guest stars for the game and not another core one. Sadly it is not Spawn but it looks like we have Predator on his way to Mortal Kombat X alongside Jason Voorhees. Pretty much one of the other hugely requested characters fans have wanted for a while now.

This news comes from the description of the Kombat Pack for Mortal Kombat X on the Xbox Marketplace. So don’t expect to see anything visual as of right now for Predator as that is all we have but in case you have yet to see it, just below is a screen capture of what was shown on the marketplace. If only the read more had been clicked so we could hopefully see what extra classic characters for Mortal Kombat X we are going to get as well.

Mortal Kombat X — Predator DLC

Mortal Kombat X — Predator DLC

Mortal Kombat X — Kombat Pack

It does make me sad that Spawn isn’t in Mortal Kombat X yet and this may put a slight nail in him never making the jump but I am at least curious to see how Predator will play out. He does seem a fitting character for the franchise and universe for Mortal Kombat X so I can’t fault NetherRealm for the addition. I just hope that he isn’t going to be just a really fancy version of Sektor or Cyrax. The character models would be rather close wouldn’t they?

Also it seems like there were a few more little additions for Mortal Kombat X out of the Kombat Kast from yesterday that we didn’t cover before. One is the fact that Mortal Kombat X on the next gen systems will be able to use the last gen arcade stick controls. So while there are new sticks being made for Mortal Kombat X but for those who want to save money and still have the fun of using a stick, you will have that option in the next game. Good news indeed.

Another interesting addition to Mortal Kombat X will be a great way that NetherRealm is going to try and combat Rage Quitters in the online matches. This is in the way of Quitalities. Plan and simple, if your opponent quits a match before the end to try and save the shame, they will freeze up and your character will go into an automated combo that leads to the other character’s head exploding. Kind of a shaming affect as the video plays out and you can share it to the world as they were not “gamer” enough to handle the loss of the match.

Have a look at Mortal Kombat X‘s Quitality.

Mortal Kombat X — Quitality Gameplay Trailer

How do you feel about all of these additions to Mortal Kombat X? Do you like that Predator is coming to the game? What are his variations going to be? What about those Quitalities too? Great addition or do you not care? Scrawl your inner thoughts in the comments for all of us to share the insanity.

Mortal Kombat X