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Press L1 To Even The Odds As Batman: Arkham Knight Has Been Delayed

Press L1 To Even The Odds As Batman: Arkham Knight Has Been Delayed

Batman: Arkham Knight

Batman: Arkham Knight has been delayed by a few weeks now but we have new footage and news to soften the blow

So the bad news we have here is that it looks like Batman: Arkham Knight is going to be delayed for about three more weeks. This now pushes the official launch of the game to June 23rd from June 2nd. This news comes straight from the mouths of whoever is handling Rocksteady‘s PR via the game’s Twitter account. I find it a bit odd that they used the word “pleased” when telling everyone out there that one of the most anticipated titles is going to have to wait another three weeks to be played but that is just me. I guess we should all just be glad that Batman: Arkham Knight is still coming in the same month and now it won’t have to be rushed because of E3 and all of the other news coming around then.

Now we move on to some of the good news for Batman: Arkham Knight. It looks like to make up for the delay, Rocksteady has released a nice seven minutes of gameplay from Batman: Arkham Knight that looks to be right around the beginning of the game. I assume this as there are still tutorial helper text and that we should hope that Oracle’s character bio unlocks earlier than later in the game. I’m guessing we will need her quite a bit in Batman: Arkham Knight and that should pop early on. That of course is all speculation.

What isn’t speculation here is that all of this was captured on the PS4 version of the game so we can see how Batman: Arkham Knight will handle when “kicking the tires” of that system. What is also worth great note here is that we are going to be getting, hopefully not, more of those Advanced Warfare style jokes as Batman: Arkham Knight literally has you “Press L1 To Even The Odds.” You know; just like AW had you “Press X To Pay Respects.” Maybe I am the only one who catches shit like this?

Batman: Arkham Knight — Officer Down

But wait. There’s more!

This is still currently a rumor being claimed by IGN Italy, but in the addition of getting Batman: Arkham Knight this year, we could also be getting two more Arkham titles for the next generation systems. Yes, the rumor is that Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City could be getting remastered versions for the PS4 and Xbox One around the Holiday season this year. This has yet to be verified and moved from complete rumor to any truth but it does make sense for Warner Bros. and Rocksteady to do this for all of the fans who are just getting into the next gen systems and may have missed one or both of the titles. As of right now it does claim that Batman: Arkham Origins would not get the same treatment.

So there you have it. All kinds of Batman: Arkham Knight news for us to look at and digest as we wait an additional three weeks for the game to launch. How are you feeling about all of this? Let us know everything you are feeling down in the comments below.

Batman: Arkham Knight

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