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Previews For The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Are Coming

Previews For The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Are Coming

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is having a preview event for press but those not lucky to be considered can have a bit of gameplay to view for now

Brace yourself as The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is having a huge preview hands-on event and we will be flooded with “hands-on” stories from all of the outlets that Warner Bros. and CD Projekt RED have deemed worthy of attending said event. Normally this kind of thing is neither publicized nor widespread as they all like to keep the rush for view clicks a nice fair race but what we going to do? Well those unlucky enough not to be on the list of people wanted at the event like us can sit back and enjoy a little bit of the gameplay for The Witcher 3 as we await all of those written up click-bait articles.

This is just a taste of The Witcher 3‘s new gameplay though as I am sure we will have all kinds of b-roll with people telling us their thoughts in the mix of the written hands-on stuff. At least CD Projekt RED is kind of looking out for the little guys and fans. It’s not like we have been waiting, and then waiting, and then waiting some more for The Witcher 3 to come out. I just hope all of that extra polish is going to pay off once it finally does launch. It has to right? If not I guess we’ll all hear about it in short time.

Until then have a look at the promo for the exclusive event for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and the bits of new gameplay we have yet to see. Also, thank you for supporting our site here even though we are not part of the elite. It is things like this that kind of put things in perspective on our end and then realize that we have people who like our honesty, thoughts, and opinions on games like The Witcher 3. Maybe someday we will be allowed to be part of the “paid” media for events like this.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Gameplay Preview Trailer

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt