2007 👀

Project BlueStreak Is Officially Now LawBreakers

Project BlueStreak Is Officially Now LawBreakers


Boss Key Productions has officially announced LawBreakers as their first title so say goodbye to Project BlueStreak while it lasted

You might remember way back in March when we all had a look at Project BlueStreak or you may not. It doesn’t matter anymore as it is now officially LawBreakers and the first upcoming title from Boss Key Productions due out sometime in 2016 for the PC. If you are still out of the loop here then let me catch you up quickly. Boss Key is the new studio founded by Cliff Bleszinski and Arjan Brussee. Project BlueStreak, now LawBreakers, had a bit of the very pre-alpha levels shown off and to me they all looked like they were built using the default content right out of the Unreal 4 engine. If you don’t believe me go ahead and download the engine and have a look for yourself. In the meantime the rest of us will focus on what has been revealed for LawBreakers.

So during live Twitch steam LawBreakers was officially announced and we have been given a live action trailer with a bit of CGI mixed in. Just what all of us want when getting a new game announcement right? Especially all of you Gears Of War and Unreal Tournament fans out there who have been patiently waiting to see what Boss Key Productions has been cooking up. Well it is LawBreakers and it looks like Nexon wanted to make sure that there was a bigger announcement with Live Action trailers instead of actually gameplay to be shown off. Sometimes publishers just don’t understand us gamers and what we want to see for something like LawBreakers. At least it gives us a nice clue as to why we are shooting and murdering people when LawBreakers finally comes out.

LawBreakers — Announce Trailer

LawBreakers is a competitive team-based FPS set in an alternate future in which the world has been divided into two factions following a huge cataclysmic event known as ‘The Shattering’ that changed gravity forever. Afterward, the world recovered and ushered in a new age technological advancements providing gravity manipulation and supplement use that grants near-superhuman abilities. Now, the new technology rages and two forces fight for control; a peacekeeping organization charged with upholding the law, and a highly-organized crime syndicate bent on breaking it. Players will be asked to choose a side – it’s LAW versus BREAKERS.

Hopefully you’ve read the above description for LawBreakers and watched the live action trailer. If not then this is not going to make a lot of sense. To me it seems like LawBreakers is doing just what the title implies as it has stolen the ideas from Inversion, an amazing and underrated title, and Judge Dredd. Something crazy happens and alters gravity and physics in the world. This leads to a lot of crime and the need for specialized “cops” who look like they are out to dispense nothing but justice. That is the premise here for LawBreakers according to what I am reading right from Boss Key Productions here isn’t it? ISN’T IT?!?

It looks like we are trading in space marines for super-cops and we are also trading in alien invaders for super-criminals here in LawBreakers from the tried and true methods of the developer’s founders. Should we have expected anything different here? I’m guessing not but seeing as Bulletstorm was a fun game, even with its flaws, we need to give the leads here at Boss Key Productions a bit of leeway. Maybe LawBreakers will be a whole lot different once we see something in action in terms of gameplay and not the big PR push that Nexon has given us for LawBreakers. I hear there is going to be some gameplay soon so maybe all of my doubts and cynicism for LawBreakers will flutter off in the ether…

Based on what you’ve seen so far for LawBreakers what are your starting thoughts? Do you find my thoughts and comparisons to be on point or way off? Do you think that Boss Key Productions will have another hit with LawBreakers as they founding members have had in the past? Were you hoping for something other than a shooter from these guys? Let us know down in the comments and discuss. We do want to know. As I said above, there is some actually gameplay chambered up and as soon as Nexon lets it fly we will have it and all the other updates that we can for LawBreakers so be sure to keep checking in here for all of it.
