2042 👀

Project Scorpio’s Hardware Specs Have Been Revealed To Us All

Project Scorpio’s Hardware Specs Have Been Revealed To Us All

The upcoming Project Scorpio has had its hardware specs revealed and it looks like Project Scorpio could be the next best console to enter the arena

With the big tease given out at E3 last year it looks like it is time to see more for Project Scorpio as it is still called by Microsoft. This is supposed to be the next big game changing hardware for console gamers out there and supposed to usher us all into a more modern age of gaming. At least that is the hype way of saying. For everyone else out there, it looks like we have the final specs for Project Scorpio’s hardware so we can see just how it compares to what is currently out there on the market for us. Even some of those PC gamers out there may not scoff too much at the specs that will be coming just before they go back to what their master race selves do that console gamers can’t.

As was to be expected, Project Scorpio’s hardware is vastly superior over the Xbox One and beats out a good portion of what the PS4 Pro is currently supporting. Not too shocking as it would spell doom for Project Scorpio if the competition and the older console was able to keep up or out-pace it. I won’t bog you down in conjecture for now, but I’ll let you just have a look at what will be under the hood for the system when it launches this Holiday season. That is unless there is some kind of hardware delay and they can’t make production by then. Doubtful, but it could still happen with where we are in the year currently.

Project Scorpio — Final Specs Revealed

Project Scorpio Xbox One PS4 Pro
CPU Eight custom x86 cores clocked at 2.3GHz Eight custom Jaguar cores clocked at 1.75GHz Eight Jaguar cores clocked at 2.1GHz
GPU 40 customised compute units at 1172MHz 12 GCN compute units at 853MHz (Xbox One S: 914MHz) 36 improved GCN compute units at 911MHz
Memory Bandwidth 326GB/s DDR3: 68GB/s, ESRAM at max 204GB/s (Xbox One S: 219GB/s) 218GB/s
Hard Drive 1TB 2.5-inch 500GB/1TB/2TB 2.5-inch 1TB 2.5-inch
Optical Drive 4K UHD Blu-ray Blu-ray (Xbox One S: 4K UHD) Blu-ray

More or less we are looking at a dedicated PC here with Project Scorpio when you look at the hardware. Even some of the description videos are placing its top speeds and abilities on par with current PC hardware. I know I am hoping for a larger hard drive option when all is said and done as even 1TB is cutting it close nowadays. If nothing else though, it is nice to see that we will have another option of sorts to have 4K UHD out there. Still odd that Microsoft had it first in all of the systems given that Sony has had this on lock for a while outside of the console arena. None the less, I’ll take it for now.

Currently there is no suggested price for Project Scorpio. Seeing as we still only have a code name to call it by I am not too shocked. Current analysts are suggesting that we may see it at a $499 USD price range given the hardware and current state of things. As long as they can crack VR support for the console here and get into that game, I think they will be able to keep the Xbox going without just telling everyone to get a Windows 10 machine. Especially since most of the titles are going cross-platform there. It would make sense in the longer run, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

What are your thoughts on Project Scorpio’s tech specs for now? Do you think that we will have other options for the hardware at launch or will it be stuck here and then we can mod on our own? Does this look like a day one pick up for you or will it still all boil down to games when all is said and done? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments and then discuss. As we learn more on Project Scorpio we will pass it right along. Keep your eyes glued to the site so you’ll be able to catch it all as we can bring it.

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