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Projection: First Light Is Coming Out Of The Shadows Next Year

Projection: First Light Is Coming Out Of The Shadows Next Year

Projection: First Light

Indie title Projection: First Light is on its way and Projection: First Light is looking to hit all of the major platforms in 2018

It has just been announced that the indie title Projection: First Light is going to be coming to many of the major platforms now in 2018. The second quarter of 2018 to be exact as Shadowplay Studios and Blowfish Studios are aiming to bring the game out of development and to us all to play and, hopefully, enjoy. Also, as I mentioned, Projection: First Light will be coming to the PS4, Xbox One, Mac, PC, and Switch all at the same time. So now we have another interesting platforming title to look forward to adding to our list of games.

An announcement trailer for this is just below as well as a look at how this platforming will look and play. As the title slightly alludes to, Projection: First Light will be using the art and motion that we have seen for shadow puppets throughout time. All in the vein of helping a puppet called Greta to traverse the mythical world that is being put together for us to experience. Have a look at the latest trailer and then get ready to hear more in the near future as we wait for the game to finish its development cycle.

Projection: First Light — Coming Q2 2018

Projection: First Light follows the adventures of Greta, a girl living in a mythological shadow puppet world, as she embarks on a journey of self-enlightenment with the assistance of legendary heroes from each culture she explores.

Accompanied by atmospheric visuals and an ethereal soundtrack made with antique instruments used for shadow puppet performances, Projection: First Light takes players on an inclusive voyage through the history of shadow puppets as it evolves through Indonesia, China, Turkey, Greece, and 19th century England.

Early in her expedition, Greta takes control of a source of light and learns of her ability to manipulate it. Shadows become platforms and walls, other elegant and imaginative solutions irradiate puzzles, and enemies can be dispersed – as Projection: First Light explores themes of worldliness, respect and understanding.

To ensure accuracy and beauty in the art of shadow puppetry, Shadowplay Studios consulted with Richard Bradshaw, a renowned Australian puppeteer and historian of his craft, whose insights helped Shadowplay Studios highlight the cultures behind shadow puppets through the ages.

Does Projection: First Light look like a title for you or will it be something that will fall off your radar pretty quickly? Does the art style of the game intrigue you and can you see the influence from the other professionals that the developers have spoken with? What interesting mechanics do you think we will get to see incorporated into the game based on all of this? Comment and discuss down below. As we hear more for Projection: First Light, we will have it all here. Be sure to keep checking in on the site to see that and all things video games.

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