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Prototype Biohazard Bundle Brings Both Titles Back For The Next Gen Systems

Prototype Biohazard Bundle Brings Both Titles Back For The Next Gen Systems

Prototype Biohazard Bundle

The Prototype Biohazard Bundle has been quietly released and is bringing Prototype and Prototype 2 to the next gen systems as of today

Talk about the most silent release ever as the Prototype Biohazard Bundle is available as you are reading this and I have not even heard of its existence to date. This would be a HD remsatered bundle of Radical Entertainment‘s amazing titles [Prototype] and [Prototype 2]. Yea it is another HD remaster for the PS4 and Xbox One but you would think that Activision would have at least mentioned something in passing before today to get more people buzzing about the Prototype Biohazard Bundle and make sure people ar buying this digital version of the games. There has to be some good reason right?

Anyways, the short and curlies of the Prototype Biohazard Bundle is that, like I said, it is a HD remaster of those two titles all done up with fancy 1080p 60fps visuals for the next gen systems. Also as any good HD remaster would have is that the Prototype Biohazard Bundle also houses all of the DLC that came with the RADNET Edition of [Prototype 2] and all of the “exclusive” pre-order DLC that was used to entice gamers to pre-order the titles at a specific retailer. I don’t remember a whole lot of that but seeing as the Prototype Biohazard Bundle is listed at $49.99 for both titles and all the DLC there really is no complaints on my end. I did love these titles so.

If for some reason you don’t want to pick up the Prototype Biohazard Bundle today and only want to get one of the amazing titles Radical Entertainment had for this franchise then you are also kind of in luck. On August 11th [Prototype] and [Prototype 2] HD will be available on their own digitally for the PS4 and Xbox One. There is no word on how much they will be priced individually but I am sure it will be comparable to the Prototype Biohazard Bundle when it all adds up in your wallets/purses. I mean it has to right?

Prototype Biohazard Bundle — Launch

Are you as excited for the Prototype Biohazard Bundle as I am? Do you think that Activision should have made more of a fuss that this bundle was coming or was the quiet “surprise” approach the right thing to do? Did you get to experience the joys of [Prototype] and [Prototype 2] the first time around or did inFAMOUS and inFAMOUS 2 overshadow the original releases for you? We want to know and you can let us know down in the comments below. Now to go download and compare the titles from the Prototype Biohazard Bundle against their originals to make sure there are fully worth the money.

Prototype Biohazard Bundle

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