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Put A Name To A Dead Body Now Here With The Quarry

Put A Name To A Dead Body Now Here With The Quarry

The Quarry

The next podcast for The Quarry is here to help further expand the lore and terror out there within The Quarry coming

Here we go with a bit more to dig into for The Quarry with another podcast out there. The ongoing Bizarre Yet Bonafide crew is out there to take us further into the horrors that Supermassive Games is cooking up for us. Something that has always felt like was on the side of realistic but more and more heads toward the supernatural out there. As long as you think the cryptids out there are more supernature than not. No matter the case, we have a new story for The Quarry to maybe mix in ghosts and spirits into the horrors of it all too. As long as these all will make it into the game when it hits the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC on June 10th.

This one dives into a group of hikers that have gone missing out there in the world of The Quarry with the bodies going missing. Something that is being blamed on a ghost that is haunting the area out there, but it does sound a little out there for what we have seen for the gameplay. This could all just be hype for The Quarry and not build into anything in the final game, but with the internet being as it is and how these games kind of go, it could all be rich lore to add in. That or something we will hear in the background of the game on random speakers as we head through the story. Thankfully, we do not need to wait too much longer for all of it to land on us.

The Quarry — Bizarre Yet Bonafide: Missing, Presumed Dead

This mystery is a puzzling peach of perplexity and we’re taking another bite! Grace and Anton have identified the vanishing body! And they have some theories about what… or whoOOooOOooOOoo is behind their death. Hop aboard, buckle up, and let them take you for a mind-boggling trip on the ghost train!

Presented by The Quarry, an all-new horror experience from Supermassive Games and 2K, coming June 10. Rated M for Mature.

From 2K and masters of horror Supermassive Games, The Quarry releases June 10 on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

Have you been enjoying all of these podcasts for The Quarry, or have you been skipping them for now? Do you think that these will have any impact on the final game or will they all be fluff to promote the game before launch? Would you want to see more of the supernatural in the game out there or will you want it to be more grounded when all is said and done? Tell us all down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish. If we have more for The Quarry, know that we will share it all here. Just keep a close eye on the site for all of that and much more.

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