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Put On Our Battle Armor And Take Another Look Around Sand Land

Put On Our Battle Armor And Take Another Look Around Sand Land

Sand Land

Another customizable vehicle for Sand Land is getting shown off just a little bit before the full launch of Sand Land

Just when we thought we had all that we could for Sand Land, here we go with one more look at another vehicle we will get to use in the game. I will use the term vehicle a little loose here with this one being more of a mech suit instead of something we normally drive around in. Although Bandai Namco will be listing it as Battle Armor instead. It is what it is and we have one more way to get around in Sand Land as well as something else to customize on April 26th when the game lands on the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Let us now have a bit more of a look at this one.

As you will see, this is more of a power armor of sorts that we will get to walk around in Sand Land with. That or do some weird little hops along the dunes and get ready to zap enemies with an electrical pulse out there. All while trying to mimic the movements and abilities of our character. Hence why this one does not feel like a vehicle and feels like more of a suit we will be wearing. It is what it is, and it is summoned the way everything else is in Sand Land, so it can fall into that category. Have a look and see how clunky this one will be in the mix of the two various locations we will get to explore in the game.

Sand Land — Custom Battle Armor

Drill down on enemies in the daytime or light up the night with electric abilities in your custom battle armor in Sand Land. Launching April 26th!

Where do you stand on this one being a vehicle for Sand Land or is it more of a mech suit instead? Is it odd to see it hopping about the world or will we be able to run and walk in it too? How often will we get to upgrade the attacks in this thing so we can dole out more pain into the world? Take those thoughts into the comment section to discuss it all and everything else we have to share out there. There looks to be more for Sand Land on the way, so please keep on coming back here to see and hear about all of it as it does.

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