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RAGE 2 Has More Grav-Dart To Check Out With A BFG 9000 Too

RAGE 2 Has More Grav-Dart To Check Out With A BFG 9000 Too


New gameplay for RAGE 2 is out there to enjoy with a look at the BFG 9000 jumping into RAGE 2 as a nice little bonus to the game

Here we go with a bit more gameplay for RAGE 2 that shows off quite a bit more of the crazy and hectic firefights we will be in when we play the game. It definitely looks like Avalanche Studios is doubling down in that aspect of the game to make sure it feels vastly different from the other shooters out there. There are quite a few out there, even in Bethesda‘s wheelhouse, and RAGE 2 does need to stand out a bit more. It is a sequel that many did not expect to ever see the light of day given the low numbers of the first. Enough of the history lesson for all of that, though.

This new gameplay for RAGE 2 shows off a bit more on how the Grav-Dart and how that will work. There is a tutorial we get to see here in the mix of things where we will get to shoot a bunch of enemies with something like a machinegun and then target a different location to pull them all too. All of which will slam the enemies into things and make them explode. The basics of it all as you will see here. It does feel like there is a bit more to it, but we will need to wait until RAGE 2 drops just to get the full experience.

On top of that, we get a look at some of the vehicle combat in RAGE 2 that feels a bit like it did in Mad Max. It is a good mechanic in that game and I can only see it being improved upon for this game. I will take it. As well as it looks like we are getting a nice little nod to DOOM as the end of the video here shows us that RAGE 2 will also house the BFG 9000 as a weapon to be used. It is only a few seconds of footage, but it is interesting to see that they are throwing everything they can into the game.

RAGE 2 — The BFG 9000 & 11 Minutes Of Awesome New Gameplay

In this new chunk of gameplay from RAGE 2, check out vehicle combat, Overdrive attacks, the sadistic new Grav-Dart Launcher gun, a boss fight, and the debut of the BFG 9000 that’s been borrowed from DOOM!

What are you thinking about RAGE 2 here based on all of that we have to see? Do you like the Grav-Dart here or will you need to see how it handles in your hands before passing judgment? How do you feel about the BFG and vehicle combat we will see here in the game? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more RAGE 2 news and updates, be sure to keep checking back in here. We will keep it all flowing out to you as fast as we can.

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