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Ragnaröck Brings More Of The Glory To Hammer Out To

Ragnaröck Brings More Of The Glory To Hammer Out To


New DLC for Ragnaröck is on the way to us to add in a new RAID into the mix of the musical fun for Ragnaröck

We seem to be on a rhythm game kick this week and it looks like it will be continuing on with the latest for Ragnaröck. This is the PC VR drumming title that WanadevStudio gave us not too long ago and have been pumping out the DLC ever since. Now on March 17th, Ragnaröck will be getting more added in with six more songs out there from Gloryhammer. More songs that will also be bringing along some new features to the mix and give us a RAID to go on while hammering away at all of the notes and keeping the rowers going to the best of their abilities.

Speaking of, this RAID for Ragnaröck will let us all play these new songs in a marathon-style of play in the mix. It will link all of them in order and give us a ten-minute segment to experience in the game that will also unlock some more fun in the game. That fun being a new “Hammer of Glory” to use in Ragnaröck for all of the other tracks after you have completed the RAID. It does give us a bit more and for a low price point too. Have a look and listen to what will be coming to us all next week. It does sound like it will be a whole lot of fun to have.

Ragnaröck — Gloryhammer RAID

WanadevStudio announced that their award-winning Rythm VR game Ragnaröck’s first DLC will be available tomorrow on Steam, Viveport, and Meta. Entitled Gloryhammer RAID, Ragnaröck’s first DLC features six epic new tracks from iconic, community-loved power metal band Gloryhammer.

The RAID includes the song marathon “The Fires of Ancient Cosmic Destiny” to play during an intense 10 minutes sequence. A unique new collectible Hammer, “Hammer of Glory”, will be unlocked once all the RAID tracks have been completed.

Gloryhammer RAID songs can be played solo or multiplayer with other players who own the DLC. In addition, with this first RAID, more features are available:

  • Possibility to create local profiles to enable multiple people to play with the same headset
  • Improved Custom Songs system with the ability to play Custom Songs in multiplayer mode as well as the creation of custom trees

A pulsing pack for $5.99 on Steam, Meta Quest, and Viveport. Available 3.17.22

Have you had a chance to rock out to Ragnaröck yet or is this your first time hearing about it? Will you be getting in on this new DLC or is it a band you will be skipping here? How many more RAIDs do you think we will be getting in the mix over all of this time? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish. When we have more for Ragnaröck to share with you, we will certainly have it all here for you. Please keep checking back in for all of that and much more.

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