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Redfall Has Remi & A Robot Heading Out To Help Save Us All

Redfall Has Remi & A Robot Heading Out To Help Save Us All


The next hero for Redfall is out there now with Remi taking talents and robots into Redfall to kill some vampires

Just so we can lean into the tech side of things for Redfall, here we go with Remi bringing some new talents and machines into the mix. This is the combat engineer that Arkane Austin will be tossing into the crew of hunters heading out there when the game launches on the Xbox Series X|S and PC this May 2nd here. Thankfully, too, it looks like Remi and Bribon will also be the support class in Redfall so we have a medic now. Even if this medic does look like they can cause way more harm than healing when the need arises. Let us all have a look and see just what Remi will be bringing into the world for us to enjoy. It is a little more explosive than thought…

In addition to a look at what Remi will offer to Redfall, we also get a taste of how Remi was brought into the fight. It looks as if it was the general sneaky way that vampires like to do, even if it is closer to a hidden bite thing from zombie media. This is fine, of course, as it does show that Remi will be retaliating with explosives and other firearms. Also by sending in the cohort, Bribon, that looks like it will have some cloaking, offensive, and area healing options built in. I am curious to see if there will be a more direct way to heal the team, but for now, we have something that can get them all back on their feet in Redfall. That should be a win enough for us until we need more.

Redfall — Remi: The Ingenious Ingeniera

Meet the Heroes of Redfall: Remi De La Rosa. A brilliant combat engineer who has spent her life on the frontlines. With the help of her robot cohort, Bribon, she’s determined to help rescue Redfall’s survivors.

Redfall arrives exclusively on Xbox Series X|S and PC on May 2, 2023.

Do you like the look and feel for Remi in Redfall or should it have been broken into multiple classes instead? Will we have the option to heal one member or Remi directly, or is the balance being that we can revive everyone while throwing bombs around the map? How much control do you think we will have over Bribon or will it be an AI bot in the world more than anything? Go ahead and lurk in the comment section below and discuss all of the new things we have just learned. There is at least one more hero on the way to us from Redfall and many more days until launch. Please keep checking in for all of the news and updates we will have for the game leading up to that.

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