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Resident Evil 2 Is Officially Getting A Remake

Resident Evil 2 Is Officially Getting A Remake

Resident Evil 2

It has been made official as Resident Evil 2 is getting the remake treatment so even more gamers out there can experience the horror of Resident Evil 2

It looks like fans and the internet win again as Resident Evil 2 is getting a remake treatment and it won’t be a fan project as we’ve seen spreading all over the internet. In fact this news comes right from the horse’s mouth as Capcom has green-lit Resident Evil 2 Remake and Yoshiaki Hirabayashi will again be at the helm. That would be the producer behind Resident Evil HD Remaster that hit the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC not too long ago and I am pretty sure he has his hands in Resident Evil 0 Remaster as well. None the less though, Resident Evil 2 Remake is now in the pipeline and we can expect to be playing through Resident Evil 2 on our next gen systems sometime in the near future.

Outside of that there have been no other details for Resident Evil 2 Remake and all we have to go on is the announcement being made in the video below. I’d say that it would be safe to assume the basics from Capcom for Resident Evil 2 Remake here but as far as what additions that would be coming to the remake; we’ll have to wait and see. You should all just be happy to see that Resident Evil 2 is being remade and that…

Resident Evil 2 Remake — Special Message From Producer

…Wait… Resident Evil 2 Remake and not Resident Evil 2 HD Remaster? How could we glance over that? Unless Capcom titled this different or something is lost in the translation it sounds like Resident Evil 2 is getting the same treatment as Final Fantasy VII and not just upgraded. Could this be true and we won’t be getting just a shinier Resident Evil 2 but something that goes in and improves upon a great title in the first place? Holy crap that could mean so much more even though the developer has stated that are looking to do more HD updates to pad the company’s bank account so they can hopefully move on to a Resident Evil 7 of sorts.

I may be reading more into the title for Resident Evil 2 Remake than was intended and we’ll see as time moves on but this really could be a fully and new feeling version of Resident Evil 2 and not just something that has higher textures and polygons in the mix. Then again given the fact that I am pretty sure the shirt from above should read “We Dit It!” instead of “We Do It!” Resident Evil 2 Remake could really mean Resident Evil 2 HD Remaster and that someone needs to take a few more classes in English. Or Japanese based on who put the announcement copy together.

How do you feel about a Resident Evil 2 Remake? Do you think that it will be a full remake with level changes, story elements alters, and character alterations? Do you think that we’ll get to see more of Ada Wong in the background of Resident Evil 2 now? Do you think that Capcom may have misspoke with Resident Evil 2 Remake and really meant Resident Evil 2 HD Remaster? Let us know down in the comments and discuss. As Resident Evil 2 was one of my favorite in the series you best believe we will have all the updates right here for you as they come out so be sure to keep checking in here for all things Resident Evil 2 and its possible remake.

Resident Evil 2 Remake

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