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Resident Evil 4, 5, And 6 Are Getting Remastered For XB1 & PS4

Resident Evil 4, 5, And 6 Are Getting Remastered For XB1 & PS4

Resident Evil

It has been announced that Resident Evil 4, 5, and 6 are getting the remaster treatment and will now bring almost all of the Resident Evil titles to the current gen systems

If for some reason you didn’t think you were going to be getting enough Resident Evil in 2016 then you are going to be greatly mistaken. In addition to the film and spin-off title that Capcom has in the works for us it also looks like Resident Evil 4, 5, and 6 are all getting the remaster treatment for the PS4 and Xbox One and all three of them will be out on said systems before the end of the year. Hells, Resident Evil 6 will be hitting on March 29th so you know it will be soon.

Now you may be thinking that it is odd that Resident Evil 6 would be landing so soon but no word on the rest. Well there is word and it looks like RE5 is aiming for Summer of 2016 and RE4 is looking to hit Fall of 2016. Yes, that would be in reverse order for those of you who don’t know how to count very well. At first it would seem odd but I can see Capcom trying to get the larger of the titles out first to bide time so the other ones get more time to be worked on. Resident Evil 6 is only four years old now and had to be easier to jump from last gen to current gen so…

In addition to the full games, each one that had post-launch DLC and costumes will be coming along with said items as well when each title lands. Pretty standard for remasters here. Also each title will be available for $19.99 USD digitally and at some point in a physical form in the NA region. There is no word on if there will be a bundle set for all three but I am guessing that will be revealed at a later date as has been the case with all of the other Resident Evil remasters we’ve had as of late.

Resident Evil 4,5,6 — Announce Trailer

This now marks the fact that all of the core Resident Evil titles from yore, sans RE3, will be available on the PS4 and Xbox One in short time. RE2 is still getting its remake and I have a feeling that will launch later this year along with Umbrella Corps to keep the franchise flowing even more. My hopes is that this will all be a huge lead up to an official Resident Evil 7 announcement now that the entire story up to that point could be played in one location; other than on PC that is. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

What do you think about these three Resident Evil getting an official remaster for the PS4 and XB1? Do you think we will see RE3 or any of the other spin-off titles get the same treatment so Capcom can keep the franchise “in our face” longer? Do you think the mythical RE7 is on the horizon now that the other titles are all in place? Let us know and discuss away in the comments below. As more on anything Resident Evil flows out we will have it here so be sure to stay locked into the site for all of that.

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