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Resident Evil 7 Gets Two New Teasers To Show Off Stabbing & Saving

Resident Evil 7 Gets Two New Teasers To Show Off Stabbing & Saving

Resident Evil 7

The next two teaser videos for Resident Evil 7 have been released and we get to see how Resident Evil 7’s game saves are being handled and the knife is back

Here we go with two more teaser clips for Resident Evil 7 and this time we get to see a couple of things we knew were coming back but never in motion. That being just how Capcom is altering the save system and it looks like the combat knife is coming back in a way. All of which are part of the ten volume series that is running for Resident Evil 7 up to its final release on January 24th next year. Although I think number-wise we are going to run out of these videos well before that date and we’ll most likely be getting something else to tide us over.

So first up is the saving system for Resident Evil 7. In the past titles we all knew the typewriter was the sure-fire way to know that we needed to save. Now it looks like we are going to be on the lookout for cassette tape recorders in the missions as this will be the new thing to manually save the game. It looks to function just the same as before but just with a new UI and interface in the game. Like I said though, this is for the manual saves you will be making in the game and I’m going to assume the auto-saves will just be a flashing logo on the screen as is common place.

Resident Evil 7 — Recorder

Take the time to save in #RE7… You never know what will be lurking in the shadows

What is interesting here though is the modern looking watch shown in the above video. Until now we have yet to see a HUD in Resident Evil 7 and just how we will be watching our health in the game. If you take a closer look at the smart watch the character is wearing it looks like this may be the way we do it. That does look like the normal EKG display we’ve seen from the past and it could be the new way we make sure we don’t die. Using on-character visuals has been all the rage as of late for Health in games so it makes perfect sense that Capcom could go the same way here.

Moving right along now. The next video here for Resident Evil 7 shows off the knife we will be swinging in the game. Another item for the game that we all knew would be back as it made perfect sense but have yet to see until now. Of course we are going to be using it to smash open boxes as before and it looks like we’ll be using it to slice our way through doors and other obstacles we are “locked” out of. Although it does look like it is more on par with a real-world knife and not the crazy ones from before that could knock down solid doors in past games.

Resident Evil 7 — Stock Up

Your knife will come in handy in all kinds of situations

I am a bit curious on if we will actually be using this knife in other ways during Resident Evil 7. More in thought with combat here than breaking things open. I question this as it is a folding knife now and not a combat knife we’ve used before. While a folder is nice and all for the uses we see here, in a hand-to-hand fight for survival it is not the best option. Will this form of combat not be present or will we be forced to think this little blade will be able to save us from all the horrors that stalk the night? That is what I am more interested in here. Maybe we’ll see in one of the next six videos to come.

What do you think about the modernization of Resident Evil 7 when it comes to these two aspects? Do you think that we are going to have to hunt down cassette tapes to save or will we just need to find the recorder? Do you think that this is just a knife for utility or will we have to defend ourselves with it? Let us know what you are thinking and discuss in the comments below. For all things Resident Evil 7 be sure to stay right here as we’ll keep the news flowing out like the T-virus leaks that always seem to come out of Umbrella.

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