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Resident Evil 7 Just Had A Major Showing With New Gameplay & Details

Resident Evil 7 Just Had A Major Showing With New Gameplay & Details

Resident Evil 7

A recent showing of Resident Evil 7 in Japan has given us a lot more details for Resident Evil 7 as well as nine more minutes of gameplay to shock & awe

While we are still waiting to see the next “video tape” for Resident Evil 7 sometime in December, that doesn’t mean that the hype and gameplay have been halted for us all. January 24th is getting ever so closer and Capcom still has a lot hidden behind the doors still and some of it would be nice to see before locking in that pre-order purchase. Thankfully, at least for the “preferred media” there was a huge showing of Resident Evil 7 in Japan where some outlets had the chance to play four to five hours of the current build of the game. Not only that, but there was a whole lot of new gameplay b-roll released alongside and now we have both details and gameplay to look at as we keep waiting.

Below you can see the mentioned b-roll of the gameplay demo all of these outlets had the chance to see. No matter where you look for it, you will see the same bits of Resident Evil 7 mixed into it just in whatever order that has been chosen there. There is a whole lot of new footage to go with the old here but what truly shines here are the new little tidbits that were either speculated on or only slightly shown in all of those teasers. Like the fact that the Baker family will be one of the main sources of our fears here but those weird black creatures we saw briefly will be all over the estate and are something from the experiments of the Baker’s past victims and some kind of moss. Think along the same lines of the Resident Evil 4 Regenerators and you’ll have an idea now.

It also looks like the story of Resident Evil 7 will all be held in the weird estate that Ethan will find himself on. The game will also go back to some of the franchise’s earlier roots in the fact that there will be a whole lot of areas to unlock and progress through but like the Spencer Mansion there will be some retracing of steps to get better items, ammo, or puzzle pieces to progress even further to find out what is actually going on in the game’s story as well as hopefully get off the grounds. Survival is part of the genre here and it would make for a normal ending if the “hero” finds his way to the end and beyond of Resident Evil 7. Then again that is up to us now isn’t it?

While it wasn’t spoken on in many of the videos out there, be it from spoiler saving or Capcom demanding that no one does, it does look like the video tapes that we’ve found in the demos and seen for Resident Evil 7 are in fact little side stories to flesh out the game’s story. They are their own little experiences that we can find and play through in the game that we can live or die through, like the current demo, and mostly just lets us see what has been happening here for so long. It also sounds like this will be where other franchise characters may show up in Resident Evil 7 as it has been hinted at but not defined for the reasons I spoke of earlier. It would make perfect sense to keep it grounded in the lore and not resort to what we’ve already experienced in the franchise.

Resident Evil 7 — 9 Minutes Of Gameplay

I am so very pleased to keep hearing that Resident Evil 7 is truly taking the franchise back to where we all started as well as helping to progress the survival-horror genre overall. The more I hear about the truly terrifying events that others have been having with the bigger slices of the game fill me with more hope that Resident Evil 7 will get us all back on track and hopefully bring more to the genre and franchise. Much as how P.T. kind of started the trend again. It also sounds like Capcom is also trying to take a few risks to see if they will ultimately pay off and so far it sounds like they are. I won’t know for sure until I get handsie with the game but at least all of the “paid media” sounds genuine in what they are claiming. Signs are looking great here.

What do you think about the new gameplay and details we have here for Resident Evil 7? Are you glad to hear that the survival-horror genre is getting the solid kick in the ass that it has needed for a bit or are you still holding out? Which characters do you think we might get to see in those taped adventures, if any at all? Let us know your thoughts on all of this and feel free to discuss in the comments below. As always, if more on Resident Evil 7 comes out there then you know we will have it here on the site. Be sure to stay locked in here so you don’t miss out on a single tidbit or the upcoming promised third video tape.

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