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Resident Evil HD REmaster Is Coming This January For All

Resident Evil HD REmaster Is Coming This January For All

Resident Evil HD REmaster

The release date for Resident Evil HD REmaster and some new footage have been released for us all to enjoy

It looks like this is the week for all things Resident Evil as now we have a release date for Resident Evil HD REmaster. This would be the slated “definitive” edition of the HD REmake that is now coming to the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC. It was also slated to be sometime “early” 2015 as a release and it looks like Capcom is keeping to their word as we are getting Resident Evil HD REmaster on January 20th 2015. That is official and you can use a Sharpie on your calendar now. Go ahead and mark it as I wait.

Resident Evil HD REmaster will be a digital only release for $19.99 on all platforms with a bunch of features that we never had when the game first launched so long ago. We’ve covered most of that in the past weeks as the news came out. To recap, outside of the newly remastered textures/models we have for Resident Evil HD REmaster we are also getting additional difficulty modes, the ability to toggle the display size on the fly, and a higher frame rate that we had back in 1996. Granted we are seeing 30 on the consoles and up to 60 on the PC version but it is an improvement.

If you want to see how advanced the Resident Evil HD REmaster is over the past versions of the game you can also check out the following gameplay video. It is the PC version running at the highest settings, so do take that into account if you are not up to the latest and greatest for your PC. Well at least latest and greatest in terms of the recommended settings for Resident Evil HD REmaster on the PC. The rest of the world will have to deal with the limitations of the console hardware.

Resident Evil HD REmaster — PC Gameplay Footage

Resident Evil HD REmaster

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