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Review — Hand Of Fate

Review — Hand Of Fate

Hand Of Fate

We Sit Down And Review Hand Of Fate. Is this a sleeper hit that you need to try or just another game to throw aside? Here’s Our Video Review

Have you heard of Hand Of Fate from Defiant Development? Maybe you have and maybe you haven’t but it is an interesting take on quite a few different video game genres and physical card games and RPGs. Think something along the lines of Magic: The Gathering meets a Tarot deck with a bit of a Dungeons & Dragons flare mixed in. It sounds a bit odd from that description; it did to me too, but is it worth your time and attention? These are the questions that we look to answer with our latest video review for Hand Of Fate on the PS4. Hand Of Fate isn’t exclusive there as it is out on the Xbox One and PC we were just able to do the review there.

I go into more detail for Hand Of Fate in the following video review but I did enjoy my time with the game even though I found a few faults and annoyances. One of the big winning items for Hand Of Fate was the fact that while it is a single player game it can easily be enjoyed as a multiplayer title with one person controlling everything. Outside of the actual combat in the game all of the other aspects and story are enthralling for outsiders just to sit and watch. Always a great selling point for a game.

I won’t go into anymore here. You can watch the following video review for Hand Of Fate to see if you should pick it up or leave it to rot on the side of the road. Enjoy.

Hand Of Fate — Review

I give Hand Of Fate 45 food on the need food to beat the game scale.

Hand Of Fate — Launch Trailer

Hand Of Fate was developed by Defiant Development for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Hand Of Fate was released on February 17th, 2015. A PS4 copy of the game was provided by the publisher for reviewing purposes.

Hand Of Fate

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