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Review — Minecraft: Story Mode — Assembly Required

Review — Minecraft: Story Mode — Assembly Required

Minecraft: Story Mode

We Sit Down And Review Minecraft: Story Mode — Assembly Required. This Is The Second Episode Of Telltale’s Take On Mojang’s Famed Franchise. Here’s Our Review On How They Did

That was a crazy turnaround time for this episode of Minecraft: Story Mode to be released. Usually it takes at least a month or two before Telltale Games is giving us another episode to whet our whistles and this time we all had a nice two week or so turn around. Kudos to them and I hope they keep pushing the Mojang inspired story out to us in the same manner. Until then though we get a nice look at Minecraft: Story Mode — Assembly Required as we dig into our continued review of this episodic franchise. Sit back and get read as we build you a nice word picture in review form.


No big surprise here as we pick up where episode one of Minecraft: Story Mode left off. Jesse and crew are on a mission to save the world with the help of some of the other major players in the Minecraft lore that is being spun. We had two options at the end before as to which hero to go ask for aid from and this is where we pick up and head off to go do so. In my case it was the rogue so note that as you read on and see where the team progresses as they try to end the Witherstorm that is destroying the entire world in Minecraft: Story Mode.


There is no way about this but Minecraft: Story Mode — Assembly Required is really short. Insanely short. In fact it feels like there should be a whole other story portion added in but before you know it, the episode is over. Especially when you compare it to the first episode of Minecraft: Story Mode that seemed to have too much crammed in for what felt like no reason at all. I am not sure if the writers over at Telltale Games are being swapped out between episodes but outside of the overarching story it feels like the pacing and story segments of Minecraft: Story Mode just does not pair up at all.

Building off of the above, it looks like one of the gameplay elements of this episode was also removed for time as another NPC goes and handles what seems to be the second act of this episode by their self. Not only that but they chose it because I opted to collect another hero first and they couldn’t be patient enough for me to come back and enjoy that path as well. This could have been one of those choices in Minecraft: Story Mode that has a lasting effect but it feels like a huge chunk was removed and locked out because I wanted to do something else first that was equally important. I have a feeling this is why the episode was so short as half of it was locked out due to choices and then handled by the NPCs


Plain and simple here…the dropping of the F-bombs. Not since Tales Of The Borderlands has any of Telltale Games‘ titles made me laugh so hard that I had to pause and set the game aside. I won’t spoil anything else for this episode of Minecraft: Story Mode but when that portion came up in my story it almost made the shortness and missing sections fade away. Almost though and not totally. None the less this had to have been my favorite scene and section to play through in Minecraft: Story Mode so far and I do hope that there is more of this as we press on. That is what Mojang‘s IP is all about right; the humor?

Also, as it is still a saving grace with a faulting story, the gameplay mix ups that have only been in Minecraft: Story Mode so far do keep you wanting to play the game even more. It shows that a choose your own adventure style game doesn’t have to rely on only QTEs and dramatic life choices. In Minecraft: Story Mode we get to actually partake in combat of sorts that feels a lot like the core combat of Minecraft. Not exactly as it wouldn’t fit the style of game that is being crafted here but almost a perfect marriage between the core and the story mode that we get to experience. Keep that up at least.


So far the story of Minecraft: Story Mode has not been enough to completely sell me on advising a purchase. We are only two episodes in so that could change but if there isn’t anything mind-breaking soon the few new tweaks made for Minecraft: Story Mode away from Telltale Games‘ usual mode will not be enough to keep me pressing on. I’m still suggesting to hold off on picking up Minecraft: Story Mode as the story should be what sells it and so far it is not. Take away a compelling story and all we have is a few QTEs and some gameplay you could better experience in Minecraft proper.

Minecraft: Story Mode — Assembly Required

Minecraft: Story Mode — Assembly Required was developed by Telltale Games and Mojang. Minecraft: Story Mode — Assembly Required was published by Telltale Games for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC on October 27th 2015. A copy of the game was provided by the publisher for reviewing purposes.

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