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Review — Minecraft: Story Mode — The Last Place You Look

Review — Minecraft: Story Mode — The Last Place You Look

Minecraft: Story Mode

We Sit Down And Review Minecraft: Story Mode — The Last Place You Look. This Is The Third Episode Of Telltale’s Take On Mojang’s Famed Franchise. Here’s Our Review On How They Did

We are now half way through the story of Minecraft: Story Mode with the third episode right on the tails of the prior one. This Telltale Games experience has been an odd one for me to be certain but we are pressing along. It could be my lack of knowledge of the Mojang proper title or the odd seeming story telling going on in Minecraft: Story Mode. None the less we press on and see how things will progress overall as we dig into the third chapter of the story here. Here’s our review of Minecraft: Story Mode — The Last Place You Look as we press on to the story’s ultimate conclusion.


We last left off we Jesse and crew still looking to reforge The Order Of The Stone by collecting all of the former members we hand introduced at the beginning of Minecraft: Story Mode. We have been separated from the heroes we have found and more “bad stuff” has happened making things seem bleaker as we head into the darkness of The End. That is where the crew has to go through to press on and end the nightmare creature that is aiming to destroy the world in Minecraft: Story Mode. Oh how things have progressed…


While the story for Minecraft: Story Mode has seemed to get into better cohesion to me it still felt like it was rather linear and that it is more what Telltale Games wants to tell and not based on my selections. Yes there are a few choices in this episode that kind of have a lasting impact but again my choices made here were usually met with a “That’s wrong and we’re going to do the other option anyway” form of mentality when it came to these choices. More or less I feel like I am along for the ride and not actually playing Minecraft: Story Mode outside of the short sections where gameplay kicks in. Maybe I am just use to all of their other titles and having really hard choices that these seem too petty. Either way this is how this mechanic has felt, and still does, in Minecraft: Story Mode.

Also to the extent here, this whole episode also felt more like filler to get to the next episode of Minecraft: Story Mode. In fact none of the actions in this episode really seemed to matter as everything feels undone in the end. Yes there are a few things that occur in this episode that are most likely needed to press on but all of the buildup and let down really placed me back at a neutral position in Minecraft: Story Mode‘s story and actions. I never felt what I believe I was supposed to as everything pretty much was set back and almost like a game of Who’s Line Is It Anyways? as nothing mattered.


One of the things I loved, and kind of set the bar I was expecting for the rest of this episode, was the opening sequence to it all here. The whole title sequence was amazing and fun to play through as it deviated from the norm and what we’ve seen so far in Minecraft: Story Mode. As spoiler free as possible, the group as to get to the bottom of a Grinder. Each step of the way is a particularly fun and exciting mini-game or QTE mixed in as the intro credits roll. I’m guessing we could have just sat through it all and watched as Jesse and crew bumbled along and had the same experience but it didn’t want to let you. Another great and intriguing part of Minecraft: Story Mode that I wish we saw more of as we progressed through.

This episode did feel like it was a lot longer that there rest of the season so far. Not in a bad one at all, outside of it not feeling like anything truly progressed in the story, but like there was more to do. The last two episodes felt like they ended quickly or just didn’t have enough content to feel like it was worth my time. If I could remove the above gripes out of this episode and still have the length then this one would have been the defining one for Minecraft: Story Mode. Hopefully the next two episodes will have the same amount of content as this one as we press on. Hopefully…


I am still in a bind over recommending Minecraft: Story Mode after this episode as well. There were great things that were done right here but it still doesn’t feel like anything matters in terms of choices. Something just has yet to click with me for Minecraft: Story Mode as many of Telltale’s other IPs have but we can look to see if this will just be a late bloomer. None the less, I am still marking Minecraft: Story Mode down as a wait until the full release of the season as no single episode has yet to fully dictate a purchase on my end. If all the lulls pay off in the end that could all change but we still have time for that to unfold.

Minecraft: Story Mode — The Last Place You Look

Minecraft: Story Mode — The Last Place You Look was developed by Telltale Games and Mojang. Minecraft: Story Mode — The Last Place You Look was published by Telltale Games for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC on November 24th 2015. A copy of the game was provided by the publisher for reviewing purposes.

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